4 Bible Reading – Does God Have A Purpose For The Jewish People Today?
A Transcript Of The Video Study In our previous study, I highlighted four reasons why the Jewish people as a nation are the focal point in the Old Testament scriptures: 1. They are the lineage through which the Messiah would be born. 2. They served as the repository for the Old Testament scriptures. 3. They served as a house of gospel witness. 4. They are a parable of God’s spiritually elect people. It is this last reason which underscores the distinction between two groups of God’s elect people. To better explain this point, allow me to increase the size of the timeline and align it with TriUne Jehovah. The first group are the eternal, gracious and spiritually elect unto salvation; the second group are the…
3 Bible Reading – The Jews And The Gentiles
A Transcript Of The Video Study As we saw from the previous study, there are three biblical divisions of history, equally divided into 2,000 year time periods. The focal point of the first and last divisions are all the nations of the earth—the word Gentile is used to identify anyone who is not Jewish. Whereas, the focal point of the second time period is that of the Jewish people as a nation. This view of history is comparable to an hourglass. An hourglass is a device designed to measure the passage of time. The top and bottom ends of the glass are large cylinders, with sand filling one end. The middle section of the glass is a narrow passageway, where only a few grains of…
Part 1 – (2) Genesis 6:3
“And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.”—Genesis 6:3. It will be necessary, in order to understand the sense of this text, to inquire, I. Who is meant by the Spirit of God; and whether the Holy Ghost, the third Person in the Trinity, is designed or not. 1. Some of the Jewish writers[1] think, that the soul of man is intended; which is called not only the spirit of man, but also the Spirit of God; as in those words of Job, All the while my breath is in me, and the Spirit of God is in my nostrils.[2] Some of them[3] derive the…
2 Bible Reading – The Basic Divisions Of A Biblical Timeline
A Transcript Of The Video Study A timeline is “a graphic representation of the passage of time.” The far left end represents the beginning of time, and the far right end represents the everlasting continuum of time, for, while time is part of God’s creative works and therefore has a beginning, yet God has decreed that time should have no end. A timeline is one of the most helpful methods to view the entire course of history from a bird’s eye view. I should point out, this is a biblical timeline, not an Atheist timeline. A biblical timeline depicts history according to God’s revelation recorded in the Old and New Testament scriptures. Whereas an Atheist timeline depicts history according to the theory of the Big…
1 Bible Reading – Logical Arrangement Of Bible Books
A Transcript Of The Video Study If you have a copy of the Scriptures available, I’d like for you to open the Bible to the table of contents. The Bible is a library of 66 separate books. These books are arranged under two main headings—The Old Testament and the New Testament. There are 39 books belonging to the Old Testament, and there are 27 books belonging to the New Testament. As a whole, the books belonging to the Old Testament record the history of God’s people prior to the incarnation of Christ. The books belonging to the New Testament record the history of God’s people after the incarnation of Christ. However, all of the books—Genesis to Revelation—sets forth the same message. That is what makes…
Part 1—(1) Genesis 4:7
“If thou dost well, shalt thou not be accepted?”—Genesis 4:7 I. It will be proper to inquire, whether a wicked, an unregenerate man, as was Cain, can perform good works. To which may be answered, 1. Adam had a power to do every good work the law required; which men, since the fall, have not. Men indeed, in an unregenerate state, might do many things which they do not; such as reading the Scriptures, attending on public worship, etc. No doubt but the persons in the parable, who were invited to the dinner, could have gone to it, had they had a will, as well as the one did to his farm, and the other to his merchandise. Men have an equal power, had they…