The Life And Ministry Of Israel Atkinson
Mr. Geo. Murrell, of St. Neot’s, gave out the 132d Psalm; after which, Mr. Field, of Greenwich, read part of Eph. 4. Mr. Murrell, of St. Neot's, then gave out the second part of the 132d Psalm. Mr. Samuel Milner, of London, then stated the nature of a of a gospel church, basing his remarks on l Tim. 3:15, "The house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth." Mr. Milner first stated that the church was a company of faithful men and women, united together for gospel purposes, on gospel principles. He said it was common on these occasions to give our reasons for dissent; but we take higher ground. We conceive the New Testament…
The Life And Ministry Of Richard De Courcy
Richard De Courcy was born in Ireland in 1743 or 1744. He was educated at Trinity College, Dublin. As the Irish bishops would not ordain him, probably because of his Calvinistic sentiments, he left Ireland, and came to England, when he immediately waited upon Whitefield. On being introduced, Whitefield took off his cap, and, showing De Courcy a scar on his head, said, "I got this wound in your country for preaching Christ;" alluding to a time when he was once nearly stoned to death by the Papists. Through the influence of Lady Huntingdon, De Courcy was ordained by the Bishop of Lichfield, when he joined her ladyship, and preached in many of her chapels. Multitudes flocked to hear him, notwithstanding that the Arminians cautioned…
The Life And Ministry Of Edgar Flegg
Dear Brother,—In response to your request I send you a brief outline of my life. I was born in London, in the year 1867. I was blessed with godly parents, brought up under Christian influence and training, and the subject of many earnest prayers on the part of my parents. These things, together with the godly instruction I received at Soho Sunday School, were the means of preventing me from running into the depths of outward sin, into which some are permitted to go. About the year 1880, I was much affected by my brother being baptized, and became greatly concerned with respect to my condition before God. From this time I commenced attending the week-night services with my brother, and, although I often felt…
The Life And Death Of John Brine
John Brine, Baptist. Here lie interred the remains of the Rev. John Brine, who departed this life February 21st, 1765, in the 63rd year of his age. His ministerial abilities were very extraordinary, and his zeal and faithfulness in asserting and defending the great truths of religion, equally conspicuous. Not long before his decease, he expressed his sentiments in the following words: “I think I am of sinners the chief—of saints the least; I know that I am noting, but by the grace of God, I am what I am.”
The Life And Ministry Of Daniel Herbert
Daniel Herbert was born about the year 1751. He had to wade through a long series of losses and crosses, that bore down upon him like a torrent, and so shattered his nerves that he never finally recovered. But though God tried him in the furnace of temporal affliction, he balanced his stroke, when the barrel of meal and cruse of oil had been nearly spent, by raising him up some friendly aid; so that he often said. "How good is God to me, a poor, discontented, murmuring, rebellious worm!" The editor of the "Gospel Magazine," 1833, says of him, "He was a plain, unadorned, though faithful and honest, messenger to dispense the word of eternal life to the helpless family of Zion. In early…
The Life And Ministry Of Ebenezer Marsh
Born into this world of sin on August 5th, 1853, the dealings of God with the writer have been one long chain of goodness, grace and love to the present hour; but, oh! what shame and confusion of face is mine as the question comes, "How has it been requited?" Only the writer could give anything like a just answer to this soul-humbling question, and his pen for very shame refuses to transcribe all he knows. Let my God read it if He will, whose heart of love has blotted out my sins through His own most precious blood, but let no imperfect creature wish to peer into this veritable chamber of horrors—the accumulated transgressions, iniquity, and sin, of this base heart.