The Life And Ministry Of William Styles
On a Sunday afternoon in April, a little more than thirty years ago, the Sunday-school at Keppel Street joined the school at Soho in the celebration of their anniversary. An interesting address was given on that occasion by the pastor of Keppel Street Church from Eccl. 12:1-8, which was illustrated by means of a lad whom the speaker had with him in the pulpit. This address was listened to with rapt attention by the children. Such is our earliest recollection of Mr. Styles, who was the preacher that afternoon. Years passed away, and while our friend was pastor at West Hill, the writer settled at Chatham Road. In response to a very kind invitation, we paid a visit to his home, and acquaintance gave way…
The Life And Death Of James Hervey
To his doctor he wrote, at an early period of his last illness: "I now spend almost all my whole time in reading and praying over the whole Bible. Indeed, you cannot conceive how the springs of life in me are relaxed and relaxing. 'What thou doest, do quickly,' is a proper admonition for me as I approach dissolution. My dear friend, attend to the one thing needful. I have no heart to take any medicine; all but Christ is to me unprofitable. Blessed be God for pardon and salvation through his blood. Let me prescribe this for my dear friend. My cough is very troublesome; I can get little rest; but my never-failing remedy is the love of Christ."
The Life And Ministry Of Charles Graham
We very deeply regret to announce the departure of our highly esteemed friend and brother Mr. Charles Graham, of New York, U.S.A. In the July number of the Earthen Vessel & Gospel Herald, 1892, we gave a portrait and sketch of deceased, from which it appears Mr. Graham was born Dec. 5, 1811, at Dunkeld, Perthshire, Scotland. In 1836 he came to London, where the Lord graciously revealed Himself to him and called him by His grace. He became a staunch believer in the doctrines of the Gospel and Strict Communion principles, from which he never swerved one iota. His own words are, "The Lord has kept me and borne with my manners in the wilderness these many years, and has not cast me off,…
The Life And Death Of Charles Graham
New York, America.—Dear Brother Winters,—I send you a synopsis of how the Lord has thinned us out since we met first at Grand-street, Williamsburgh, in April, 1889. On March 20th, 1890, the Lord called away from us W. Mott in the 81st year of his age. His obituary appeared in your columns at the time. The next the Lord called was Mr. John Axford on July 29th, 1891, in his 82nd year—His obituary likewise appeared in your columns with portrait. The next was Mrs. A. J. Hill, who died on February 6th, 1892, aged 49 years. Her obituary likewise appeared in your columns at the time. She was one who helped to form our little Church in June, 1891. The next the Lord called away…
The Life And Testimony Of Charles Graham
Dear Brother Winters,—It is with the greatest difficulty I begin to write about myself. I commenced to preach at the same time that brother William Bracher began in 1841, and preached in and around London until 1850. I came out here alone without my family. When I landed, the first place I called at with reference to religious matters was the late Mr. Axford's. I then attended the Old School Baptists preaching in a hall. I thought they were sound in the faith. After a few weeks I met a brother named Nash at the meeting. He saw I was a stranger, and spoke to me and took me home to dinner. He also took me the same day to hear a coloured minister named…
The Funeral Sermon Of Thomas Voysey
The removal of a servant of God is a loss extending beyond the family circle and the immediate sphere of labour in which he was found in the service of the King. It has a voice reaching throughout the whole Church of God, and, rightly considered, will humble each believer before Him whose gift the faithful minister and true pastor is. Our dear brother Voysey has gone. The Lord Himself has called him home. Though personally known to but few of you here, he was your pastor's most true and devoted friend, with whom he had walked in unbroken unity for over twenty years. Moreover, he formed, in the providence of God, one of the connecting links which brought about our union today as pastor…