• John Bunyan McCure

    The Life And Ministry Of John Bunyan McCure

    We are requested to give the following review and notice of the 35th anniversary of Mr. J. B. McCure’s ministry:— Of those who have labored in the gospel, few have had such a lengthened and uninterrupted course as our pastor; few have been made more useful, not only in holding forth the Word of Life, but in erecting places of worship where Christ is preached. Before Mr. McCure left this country for the colonies (a quarter of a century ago), he had some experience in enlarging the houses of God. After he was settled at Geelong, he was the means of erecting a substantial place for the worship of the Lord God of Israel, and left the place a patrimony to the people and their…

  • John Bunyan McCure

    The Life And Testimony Of John Bunyan McCure

    By a most gracious Providence I was directed to Woodbridge Chapel, Clerkenwell, where I heard that good and honoured man, Mr. Richard Luckin. This minister, under the blessing of God, was the means of bringing my soul into Gospel liberty. For three months it was like heaven upon earth to me, for I could then read my title to mansions in the skies. I felt so happy that I could scarcely attend to my duties, for I had indeed found the Lord, and was now afraid lest I should lose the joy of His presence. I could not endure that any one should speak against Him whom my soul loved. Such was the tenderness of conscience, that I could not endure the filthy conversation of…

  • George Thomas

    The Life And Ministry Of George Thomas

    I was born in London in the year 1851, and I was the object of a loving mother's prayers, who was a member of the Church at Hill-street, Dorset-square, having been baptized by the late John Forman, at the early age of 16. My earliest religious impressions were received when I was 14 years of age; but being placed in the midst of ungodly men, and being removed in providence from my home, these all passed away; and looking back upon the period of time between the ages of 14 and 22, I must cover that, and only say, I was the chief of sinners. My conversion took place in the Whitfield Tabernacle, Tottenham Court-road, London, the second Lord's-day evening in February, 1873, under a…

  • William Perkins

    The Life And Ministry Of William Perkins

    William Perkins (1558–1602), theological writer, son of Thomas Perkins and Hannah his wife, both of whom survived him, was born at Marston Jabbett in the parish of Bulkington in Warwickshire in 1558. In June 1577 he matriculated as a pensioner of Christ's College, Cambridge, where he appears to have studied under Laurence Chaderton [q. v.], from whom he probably first received his puritan bias. His early career gave no promise of future eminence; he was noted for recklessness and profanity, and addicted to drunkenness. From these courses he was, however, suddenly converted by the trivial incident of overhearing a woman in the street allude to him as ‘drunken Perkins,’ holding him up as a terror to a fretful child.

  • John Bunyan

    The Life And Death Of John Bunyan

    Mr. John Bunyan, Author of the Pilgrim’s Progress, Ob. 31st August, 1688, aet. 60. Tomb, E. and W. 25,26,—N. and 8. 26, 27. The above is all that is inscribed (so far as he is concerned) on the tomb which is erected over the vault that contains the remains of Bunyan. At least the bodies of twelve other persons, if not more, are interred in the same vault, whose names are respectively inscribed on the tomb, and on each side. See note, p. 16. The name and fame of Bunyan stand in no need of sculptured monument to perpetuate his memory. His eventful Biography, his twelve years incarceration in Bedford Jail for preaching the gospel, All is well known. And, doubtless, God will bless to…

  • John Gill

    The Life And Death Of John Gill

    John Gill was born at Kettering, in Northamptonshire, Nov. 23,1697. His mind was seriously impressed with divine things when he was about twelve years of age. Mr. Wallis, of Kettering, having preached a sermon from Gen. 3:9, “And the Lord God called unto Adam, and said unto him where art thou?” These interrogations sounded in his ears, and pierced his very soul. “Sinner, where art thou? What a wretched condition art thou in! What will be thy state eternally? Art thou able to endure everlasting burnings?” He now began to see and feel, the depravity of his nature, the exceeding sinfulness of sin, and his need of salvation by Christ. The Lord was soon graciously pleased to reveal his Son in him, and afford him…