The Life And Ministry Of Philip Dickerson
It is to be hoped that the readers of the Earthen Vessel will not mistake the few memorial notices here recorded of the late Mr. Philip Dickerson for a biography of him. Personally we knew but little of Mr. Dickerson, not having heard his voice since he preached to an overcrowded house the funeral sermon of the late John Foreman, of blessed memory. Having, however, at hand, by the great kindness of Mr. Samuel George Ince, of Bishopsgate-street, all the original materials for a biography of Mr. Dickerson, it would be comparatively easy to write and publish his life in full, if time and means were at command. From a real love of all good men and a felt sense of the worth of their…
The Life And Ministry Of William Knibb Dexter
Dear Mr. Editor,—Circumstances are constantly transpiring around us testifying to the fact that whilst the spirit is immortal the body is mortal. Lately a time-honoured and faithful minister of Christ, a beloved brother in the Lord, has been called from these scenes of labour and conflict to higher service in the glory world. William Knibb Dexter, the youngest son of Benjamin Bull Dexter, a missionary in Jamaica, co-temporary with William Knibb, of anti-slavery notoriety. He was born on December 29th, 1840, five years before the death of Knibb, and was named after his distinguished relative, Knibb, being related to the family. The child grew, and at an early age began to display some force of character, having a will of his own, and showing strong…
The Life And Ministry Of J. W. Humphreys
I was born on July 12th, 1873, at Tring, a little town in Hertfordshire. My soul praises God for the untold blessing of being the son of a saintly mother, one who, as soon as I could utter words, taught me to pray. At the early age of five years, the first sorrow that I can remember came. When my wayward feet seemed most to need a mother's guiding hand, the loved one was taken away. I shall never forget gazing upon that cold, lifeless form; the whole scene appears to me as vividly now as though it were only a few days past. From that time forward I was terrified by a great fear of death; at night when trying to go to sleep…
The Life And Ministry Of William Kempston
The late Mr. William Kempston was born April 1, 1844, in the parish of Shoreditch. He was left an orphan when very young, and was educated at the Forest-lane Schools, Forest Gate, and confirmed, when a boy, at the parish church, West Ham. After leaving school he was apprenticed to a cabinet-maker in Bethnal Green, and, during his apprenticeship, he attended the Independent Chapel in Old Bethnal Green-road, where a Mr. Williams was the pastor. On one occasion, while attending service, the Lord showed him what a great sinner he was. This revelation had such a powerful effect upon him, that he fell fainting to the floor, and had to be carried to the vestry. He found no peace or satisfaction until one week evening,…
The Life And Ministry Of Frank Lockwood
I was born on April 1st, 187l, at Richmond, in the county of Surrey, but unlike many did not share my parents home very long, for at the age of three, my uncle brought me into Suffolk to live with him. However, when at the age of seven, it was decided I should again live beneath the parental roof, and it is from this time I must date the earliest impressions I had of God as a righteous, holy being, and myself as a sinner dependent on His mercy for forgiveness and salvation. I have to acknowledge the goodness of the Lord in blessing me with godly, praying parents, who were at that time members of Salem Strict Baptist Church, Richmond. I can well remember…
The Life And Ministry Of Wilson Milbourne
Our late dear friend and brother, Wilson Milbourne, we knew well, and very highly esteemed him for his faithful adherence to the gospel of Christ, which he dearly loved. As a preacher of Christ he was solemn, savoury, and intelligent. Also "Affectionate in look, And tender in address as well becomes A messenger of grace to guilty men." In Sunday-school work he always appeared at home and happy, and his addresses to the young were generally appreciated as being interesting and instructive. Through the great kindness of our good friend, Mr. John Prior, of Hampstead Road, and the Misses Milbourne, we are favoured to give the annexed brief outline of the ministerial career of our deceased brother. Mr. Wilson Milbourne was a native of Carlisle,…