The Life And Ministry Of James Hicks
The subject of this sketch is pastor of the Baptist Chapel, Ryde, Australia. The following particulars concerning our veteran brother, Pastor James Hicks, have been supplied by Pastor F. Beedel, of Castle-reagh-street, Sydney, in a letter to us as follows:— Our brother was born in the parish of Bridestow, in the county of Devon, of poor but honest parents; was brought up in Bratton Clovelly; received but very little education; went to work at a farmhouse when only nine years of age, and in the days of his youth ran as most do into the sins and follies of youth, but at the age of 21, the Lord called him by His grace and brought him to Himself. His father and mother were both members…
The Life And Ministry Of John Peters
It was my privilege (in 1865) to be born of God-fearing parents, and to be mercifully preserved from running into open sin and profanity, into which many, alas! are permitted to wander; for which today I am devoutly thankful, though I have been foolish enough to wish it were otherwise, vainly supposing I should feel more convinced, and be able to trace more clearly, the reality of the work of grace. But though born of godly parents I was not born a Christian, nor as a sheet of clean paper to be kept clean by parents and guardians, for very, very soon I gave unmistakable signs of a corrupt nature, a deceitful heart, of love to sin; indeed, my dear parents feared I should one…
The Life And Ministry Of John Smith
Dear Christian Brother,—According to your most unexpected request, I herewith give a few jottings to accompany portrait, and in so doing hope good may come to some who shall read, and God be glorified. I was born in the year 1850. Very early in years I was the subject of religious impressions, and was led to desire an experience of Christ's love to me and an interest in His forgiveness. This may, to some extent, be instanced by the following circumstance, still fresh in my memory. My eldest sister used always to see that I was safely in bed at night, being for many years in very weak health. One night I said to her, "I have nightly repeated the Lord's prayer, F——. Cannot you…
The Life And Ministry Of Josiah Cowell
My beloved husband was born at Camberwell of godly parents, both of whom were members of Grove Chapel. He received very early impressions direct from God, which were confirmed by constant attendance on the searching ministry of the late Joseph Irons. He possessed strong character—clever, artistic in his tastes, his energetic mind fired by the fervour of youth and a desire for honour and distinction in all knowledge. He found rest and refreshment especially in his loved occupation, painting, in which he greatly excelled, as well as that of music, both of which were great temptations. Later on he was led by the Spirit of God to the chapel where the faithful pastor, Mr. Richard Luckin, ministered. On this occasion his text was ''Will ye…
The Life And Ministry Of Richard Batchelor
Mr. Richard Batchelor, Minister of the Gospel, born 1818; died August 23rd, 1892. This faithful servant of the Lord was well-known to the churches of truth in this neighbourhood, and also to many in Labcashire and Yorkshire. He left behiud him an account of the Lord's gracious dealings with his soul (which is too long for the present purpose) in bringing him out of an intense love of sin, and an earnest and willing service of the devil, and translating him into the kingdom of His dear Son. Oftentimes in preaching he would speak in the most feeling terms of the goodness and mercy of the Lord, displayed in his conversion; he was far off by wicked works, but the Lord found him and brought…
The Life And Ministry Of Richard Varder
Mr. R. Varder was born in the village of Harberton, in the county of Devon, on November 24th, 1829. When eleven months old his mother was taken from him by death; and at the age of nine years his father died, leaving him with three brothers and one sister, orphans. But in a remarkable manner they each proved the truth of the word of God, that Jehovah is a Father of the fatherless. Agreeably to our wish, Mr. Varder writes as follows: I was brought up under the care of my oldest brother to the occupation of a carpenter. Yea, I may say I was taught various branches of business, and my brother proved to be as a father to me. I trust also I…