• Charles Masterson

    The Life And Ministry Of Charles Masterson

    It is with a feeling of pain that those words, "the late," are penned. It is, alas! too true. Charles Masterson is no more. Stay! that is not exactly correct. Charles Masterson is alive for evermore. The goodly tabernacle has been suddenly shaken down, but its fall has not ruined its late resident. Absent from the body, he is present with the Lord. Our beloved brother began his natural life in the parish of Laxfield Suffolk, in the year 1846. He was, therefore, still in the prime of life when stricken with his last illness, being only forty-seven when the Master called him home. The Lord had need of him. How many of God's ministering servants have need to bless Him for godly parents. The…

  • Thomas Poock

    The Poetic Testimony Of Thomas Poock

    Dear friend in the gospel, you ask for a line,  The which I will send you as I can get time;  And this is the subject on which I shall dwell— To write of my Jesus, who sav'd me from hell. I often am led of my history to think; And while I remember, I shudder and shrink. My birth was all sin, my nature all foul, It makes me oft weep, ofttimes do I howl. In childhood I was of my mother bereft; Ah! then to the mercy of man was I left; But man, he forsook me, regardless of claim, A helpless, a friendless outcast I became. The workhouse receiv'd me, and there was I found  By an uncle, who travell'd many miles…

  • Thomas Poock

    The Life And Ministry Of Thomas Poock

    The late Mr. Thomas Poock was born at Brompton, near Chatham, Kent, on the 21st Feb., 1797. His early life was "full of striking incidents and marvelous activeness." Bereaved of his mother in early childhood, he became a poor, helpless, friendless outcast consequently was placed in a very trying position. An uncle, who lived many miles away, hearing of it, fetched him, and took him to his own home and kindly cared for him for a short time. Soon he had to go to London, where, at the hands of a mother-in-law, he met with very cruel treatment. Before he was eleven years old he was sent to sea, where, on a man-of-war he acted as a cabin-boy for about three years. There He, in…

  • Charles Rolfe

    Can You Give Me The Gospel You Offer?

    The late Charles Rolfe (1802-1877), Rector of Shadoxhurst and Orlestone, Kent, a good scholar in the school of Christ, a consistent follower of the Lamb, and a faithful champion for the truth, frequently told an anecdote of a person who went to a minister who had been offering salvation to all who chose to accept it, and said to him, "Sir, last night you offered me salvation; can you give it to me?" "No!" "Then why did you offer it? Preach the Gospel of the grace of God boldly, as you ought, without seeking to please men, and then the Holy Ghost will apply the truth to the hearts of those whom the Lord shall call." Our omnipotent Saviour is not a suitor at the…

  • Charles Rolfe

    The Life And Ministry Of Charles Rolfe

    What a beautiful thing is real friendship! and especially when it is backed up with such manifestations, and practical proofs, as demonstrate its sincerity. Jonathan showed the sincerity of his love to David by interceding with his father Saul in David's behalf; and Boaz gave the most practical proof of his friendship to Ruth by letting her glean in his harvest field, and by telling his reapers to show her favour by letting her glean among the sheaves. But O how little of such sincere genuine friendship is there among poor mortals now! What a deal of hollow false friendship there is among them! The mere professions of friendship, the vain talk about it, friendly words, and friendly looks, and friendly good wishes expressed, are…

  • John Vinall

    The Life And Ministry Of John Vinall

    The interment of the mortal remains of this highly esteemed and aged minister, took place Friday afternoon, March 9th, 1860, at two o'clock, under circumstances which must have been, on such a melancholy occasion, very gratifying to all his relations and friends and admirers. The late Rev. John Vinall was no ordinary man; by application in studying the Scriptures, coupled with great natural ability, he raised himself to a position of eminence in the county of Sussex; and so numerous were those who may fairly be regarded as his followers that they can now be counted by thousands. In paying the last tribute of respect to departed worth, they were not forgetful of their spiritual benefactor, for they attended in large numbers, many of them…