• James Boorne

    The Life And Ministry Of James Boorne

    In our last issue (see below) we referred to the translation from the Church below to the Church above of Mr. James Boorne, pastor of Devonshire-road Chapel, Greenwich, the subject of this months portrait and sketch whose funeral obsequies it was our mournful duty, yet sacred pleasure, to unite in, in November last. We now proceed to record somewhat of the Lord's gracious dealings with him, for which we are indebted to the respected editor of the Sower, and by his kind permission cull the following from its pages:— James Boorne was born October, 1833; he was favoured with praying parents, who wisely counseled him, but the Lord only could give him grace, and He did begin to work in his heart when only six…

  • J. Parnell

    The Life And Ministry Of J. Parnell

    Dear Mr. Banks,—In answer to your kind request, let me say, I do not intend writing much about myself at present, as, if the Lord will, a much fuller account will be published in one of my future volumes, both as to my call by grace and also with respect to my call to the ministry.  I was born on August 18th, in the year 1840, in the parish of Waterbeach, Cambridgeshire. When twelve months old, my parents removed into the parish of Stretham, in the same country, where I resided with them till turned twenty years of age. If ever there was a sinner saved by divine grace, and by divine grace alone, that poor sinner is the individual writer. As far back as…

  • George Webb

    The Life And Ministry Of George Webb

    Dear Brother,—My late beloved brother, Mr. George Webb, was born near Victoria-park, London, of God-fearing parents in the year 1827, and was suddenly called home on October 17, 1894. He was the child of many prayers; he grew up strictly moral; when quite young attended chapel with his parents, went to Sunday-school, and, when about fifteen years of age, became a teacher. That with his morality, attendance at chapel, saying prayers, teaching in the school at the age of sixteen years, he had become a decided self-righteous young man, trusting to his moral virtue, so making a righteousness of the supposed good deeds he had done. As I had been mercifully taught the only way of salvation was by sovereign grace, through the obedience and…

  • Daniel Curtis

    The Life And Ministry Of Daniel Curtis

    Daniel Curtis was unknown to many united with the Church of Christ in the present day. In connection with Strict Communion Churches, in the early part of the present century, Mr. Daniel Curtis took an active and interesting part. Were it not for the Earthen Vessel & Gospel Herald, the name of Daniel Curtis, which was a household name in our denomination fifty years ago, would be unknown in the present day. As will be seen by his portrait, although taken home in the meridian of life, he had quite a puritanical appearance. Yet, withal, pleasing to look on, his cheerful countenance giving correct expression to a genial disposition and generous heart. His name was associated with most of the ministers of the Gospel, who,…

  • James Flegg

    The Life And Ministry Of James Flegg

    I was born in London in the year 1865. My parents were members at "Salem," Meards Court, and l was the subject of many earnest prayers. For some years I went my own way; but during those years the Lord's eye was upon me and He preserved me. I often look back upon those years and say with emphasis:— “Preserved in Jesus when My feet made haste to hell; And there I should have been, But Thou dost all things well: The love was great, the mercy free, Which from the pit delivered me." All the dark chapter of those years is known to Him who knoweth all things, and we would cover that while we rejoice in believing the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth…

  • James Poyton

    The Life And Ministry Of James Poyton

    James Ebenezer Poyton was the embodiment of "The Book of Psalms,'' “Watts' Psalms and Hymns," "Denham's," and the "Union Tune Book.” Though the subject of many doubts and fears, the praises of God were invariably uppermost in his mind. Deceased had a well-formed head and excellent mind, but lacked the advantages of education, having early in life to begin a “treading out the corn." But the organ of tune was very prominent in his cranium and composition. Before he knew the meaning of the words and ere he could speak plain, little Poyton sang, "The praises of my tongue,  I offer to the Lord." Our departed brother was born in West-street, Bethnal-green, of poor but godly parents, in the year 1811. His mother used to…