• John Throssell

    The Recognition Of Pastor John Throssell To Salem Chapel

    On Tuesday, Jan. 8, services of an interesting character were held in Salem Chapel, Ramsey in connection with the settlement of Mr. Throssell as pastor. The day opened bright and cheerily, yet snow-storms fell at times, making it uncomfortable for friends at a distance to get to the house of God. Still the Lord inclined the hearts of many to gather together at both services, to wish us God speed. The afternoon service commenced by announcing hymn 758 (Denham's): “Jehovah dwells in Zion still,  Our ever-present Lord!" which was heartily sung by the friends present. After the usual devotional service, Mr. Wren, of Bedford, preached a most appropriate and excellent sermon from 2 Cor. 6:16, "Ye are the temple of the living God," which was…

  • John Throssell

    The Life And Ministry Of John Throssell

    I was born of humble parents, on July 26th, 1868, at Peterborough. When nearly seven years of age, my father was removed in God's all- wise providence, to March, in Cambridgeshire, where he remained until called home. His feet were led to Providence Baptist Chapel, where he sat under the ministry of the late Edman Forman, which was greatly blessed to him, and he very soon united with the Church meeting there, having been previously immersed at the Tabernacle, Peterborough. At an early age, I became solemnly impressed with thoughts of death, eternity, heaven and hell. Death to me was a mystery of which I had very peculiar ideas. The different periods of life at which men died much puzzled me, failing to understand why…

  • William Winters

    “Labourers Are Few”

    The real want of more Pastors in our Strict and Particular Baptist Churches is a solemn fact, and one that presses itself upon our attention daily with increased force. A cursory glance at the low state of many of our pastorless churches, and their united and constant appeal for Pastors (and in some instances "Supplies”), warrant us in giving publicity to our long pent-up thoughts and feelings on the matter. This we do, not for any personal aggrandisement, but for the glory of God and general good of the Denomination. The demand for Pastors and occasional preachers of the right kind has for many years been greater than the supply. It is therefore quite time that legitimate steps were taken to meet the needs of…

  • James Dearsly

    The Life And Ministry Of James Dearsly

    Our brother was born of believing parents, but, like his Lord, very little is known of the days of his childhood. It seems, however, that having been "loved with an everlasting love," he was drawn by loving-kindness to His feet in early life, and was baptized by Mr. Chamberlain, of Jubilee-street, Stepney. The work of grace appears to have been shallow at the onset, but afterwards deepened, chiefly through being brought under the powerful ministrations of Mr. Philpot. To one special occasion he often referred, which was when this most useful man of God preached upon Jeremiah 48:11: "Moab has been at ease from his youth, and he has settled on his lees, and hath not been emptied from vessel to vessel, neither hath he…

  • James Griffith

    The Life And Ministry Of James Griffith

    For Many Years The Former Pastor Of “Hope,” Bethnal Green, And Ex-President Of The Metropolitan Association Of Strict Baptist Churches. Mr. James Griffith was was born into this world of sin and sorrow in Temple-street, Southwark, in the year 1822. He was blessed with parents who were godly people, and were members of the Church under the pastoral care of the honoured Mr. Chinn. As a boy, he was lively and cheerful, very affectionate, obedient and happy in the company of his dear father, mother, brother and sister, but his brother Ambrose was more seriously inclined, whom the Lord in His mercy called by His grace, and was baptized, by Mr. Chinn, at the age of fifteen years, and joined the Church, where, after the…

  • James Hicks

    The Life And Ministry Of James Hicks

    The subject of this sketch is pastor of the Baptist Chapel, Ryde, Australia. The following particulars concerning our veteran brother, Pastor James Hicks, have been supplied by Pastor F. Beedel, of Castle-reagh-street, Sydney, in a letter to us as follows:— Our brother was born in the parish of Bridestow, in the county of Devon, of poor but honest parents; was brought up in Bratton Clovelly; received but very little education; went to work at a farmhouse when only nine years of age, and in the days of his youth ran as most do into the sins and follies of youth, but at the age of 21, the Lord called him by His grace and brought him to Himself. His father and mother were both members…