The Life And Legacy Of William Huntington
It is usual to commence the biographies of famous men with an account of their honourable or respectable birth and lineage. In an account of Wm. Huntington this feature must be missing. His mother was the wife of a farm labourer who received but eight shillings a week, which (as her son truly said) "is but a poor pittance to bring up a wife and family upon." Moreover, the woman's husband was not the father of Huntington. A parentage more lowly and contemptible in man's estimation it is difficult to conceive. But it is written that God has “chosen the weak things of the world and things which are despised, yea and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are.'' John Berridge…
The Life And Influence Of William Huntington
One hundred years ago, on the 1st July 1813, the redeemed spirit of William Huntington was called to the realms of peace and love. “In vain the fancy strives to paint The moment after death”; But one can imagine the joy with which his tempest-tossed soul entered into the “rest which remaineth for the people of God.” He had been a man of war all his life. He was born in penury and in the midst of family strife; his childhood and youth were spent in a perpetual fight for a bare subsistence; after his call by grace he was at war with the world, the flesh, and the devil; and it is difficult to say which of these three was the greatest enemy. Moreover,…
The Life And Ministry Of William Harris
"William Harris, born at Culpho, near Grundisburgh, in 1807, was brought to a knowledge of the truth under the preaching of the late Samuel Collins, who, on one Sabbath, was addressing young men, and in his discourse said, "It may be there are some of you young men here who never thanked God for a mercy in your lives, but some of you may have even dared to curse Him to His face." And as Nathan said to David, "Thou art the man," so the Spirit spoke to William'a soul, and he was compelled to hide his face and weep. After that his mind was much exercised with regard to his own salvation, and being in deep trouble, he rose very early one morning, went…
The Life And Ministry Of E. W. Bullinger
The honoured secretary of the Trinitarian Bible Society was well known to most of our readers, for it was through his efforts that doors were opened for the Society in the Particular Baptist communities throughout the country. Dr. Bullinger was, by common consent, one of the most learned men of his day in the ancient languages of the East—the tongues in which the Bible was first written. His Greek Lexicon established the reputation of its author as a scholar of the highest order, and his contributions to general theological literature are invaluable both to the student in divinity and to the ordinary reader of the Word of God. But his knowledge was by no means confined to philology and theology. A scientist of no small…
The Life And Ministry Of Joseph Cannon
He was born at Offley, Herts., and, like all the rest of Adam's posterity, soon manifested that the heart is corrupt. At an early age he ran away from home, and got to London. He was standing under a bridge at 4 o'clock in the morning, when a dairyman, seeing him, asked him what he was doing there? He told him that he wanted work; and when asked what he could do, he replied, "Anything." So the dairyman gave him work, and he found a good master in him, and remained with him until he lost nearly all his cows by disease, when he told him that he must seek for a fresh place, but might stay until he could suit himself. But such was…
The Life And Testimony Of John Kershaw
During the first half of the present century most of the Churches in the north of England were highly favoured with good and gifted men of truth as we gather from a collection of autograph letters and published works before us; and fifty years ago most of the London and suburban Churches were honoured with pastors whose labours God greatly owned and blest and whose names are still fragrant to many lovers of the Gospel. About the same time one of the foremost pastors in Lancashire was John Kershaw, a man greatly esteemed by all truth- loving people who knew him. He was born of humble, but very godly parents a century ago at Lower Fold, Healey, in the parish of Rochdale and county of…