• George Cowell

    The Life And Ministry Of George Cowell

    The "Wayside Notes" that for nearly fifty years appeared so regularly in the Gospel Magazine contained such sweet morsels for the household of faith, that spiritual readers looked forward with delight month by month for these Notes respecting the pilgrim's way. But now the hand that wrote them is still, and the immortal spirit has entered into the higher service of praise. The memorials of Mr. Cowell's gracious life have recently been published in a very handsome-looking volume, and we are thankful that his daughter Ruth has gone gleaning amongst the sheaves, and has been enabled to present us with such sweet handfuls of purpose from the life and writings of this dear servant of the Lord; by this means we come to know more…

  • John Kershaw

    The Life And Death Of John Kershaw

    John Kershaw was born in Lancashire, August 25th, 1792. His autobiography gives an interesting account of his early life, call by grace and to the ministry; also of his fifty-two years' pastorate at Hope Chapel, Rochdale, and the Jubilee meeting, 1867, when handsome presents were made to Mr. and Mrs. Kershaw, by their loving and beloved friends. After speaking of his early convictions Mr. Kershaw says:— "I was for a time shut up as in despair, wishing I had never been born,—shut up to the faith in Christ, or, as the Apostle hath it, “unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed' (Gal. 3:23). "In this perplexed state of mind I went to Bacup, and heard Mr. Hurst preach from Isaiah 45:22: 'Look unto Me,…

  • Daniel Herbert

    The Life And Writings Of Daniel Herbert

    Daniel Herbert (1751-1833) was for many years Pastor of the Church at Sudbury, Suffolk; he was a faithful and laborious preacher, but is best known by his three volumes of hymns; the majority of them are not of high poetical merit, but they are all of real value in encouraging the seeker, and confirming the faith of the tried and burdened pilgrim. Perhaps two of the most useful are: "What is this point you long to know?" in the second book, and "This is my never-failing Bank" in the third book; but there is a fulness of doctrinal and experimental truth in all the hymns which give them a place in the hearts of believers. He writes: "From the ungodly world who make no profession,…

  • Daniel Herbert

    The Life And Testimony Of Daniel Herbert

    On  August 29th, 1833, departed this life, aged eighty-two years, Mr. Daniel Herbert, servant of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and occasional Independent Minister of the everlasting Gospel, Sudbury, Suffolk. He was one whom his Lord had made valiant for the truth, independent of that alloy which is attached to many who, at this day, tend only to tarnish and eclipse the glory of a free-grace salvation; and, being taught by God the Holy Ghost, he was enabled to rejoice in the merits, blood, and righteousness of his dear Lord and Master.

  • Isaac Lewis

    The Life And Ministry Of Isaac Lewis

    Mr. Lewis was born at Burnham, in Essex, on August 13th, 1823, of gracious parents, his mother dying when he was eight years old. In his young days his life was several times preserved in times of danger, but he grew up, as he said, “’like a wild ass's colt,' hardened to everything that was good, and greedily running after evil;" and eventually, with two other boys, he ran away from home and took to a seafaring life on board a man-of-war, where he continued for nearly four years. After he was paid off from the ship he gave full bent to the propensities of his evil heart, much to the grief of his godly father, who adopted the language of David, "Oh, Isaac, my…

  • John Warburton Jr.

    The Life And Death Of John Warburton Jr.

    The lamented death of our dear friend, John Warburton, will lead our readers to feel an especial interest in the portrait and sketch which we give in this number. The father of our friend thus writes concerning the subject of this memoir, in his "Mercies of a Covenant God”:— "I shall now relate another sore trial that I passed through, which was one of the keenest I ever had in all my life, so much so that at times I felt as if my very heartstrings were breaking. It was respecting my son John, who is the youngest of ten children now living. I agreed with a person in Trowbridge, who was a tailor, to teach him the business, to whom he went for a…