• William Shepherd

    The Life And Ministry Of William Shepherd

    Mr. William Shepherd was born in the county of Devon of godly parents; but, like all the rest of Adam's posterity, was taken up with the vain things of time. Comparatively early in life the Lord was pleaaed to show him his danger while listening to a sermon by a Baptist minister in his native village; but, as time rolled on our brother was led more deeply into the truth which led him to peruse his father’s books, written by good and gracious men. We first became acquainted in the year 1843, in the city of Exeter, after listening to a sermon by the late Mr. James Wells, of the Surrey Tabernacle, on which occasion a friendship sprung up which lasted half a century. Later…

  • Ebenezer Medhurst

    The Life And Ministry Of Ebenezer Medhurst

    By the urgent request of the Editor of the Earthen Vessel & Gospel Herald, I forward my Portrait, Origin, Call by Grace, Call to the Ministry, and Call to the Pastorate at Fleet, Hants., for insertion therein, with the earnest desire, that by it God may be honoured and glorified, His saints blest, and sinners called out of nature's darkness into the light of the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ, His dear Son.  Origin I was born on the first of February, 1850, at Coggins, Mill Street, in the Parish of Mayfield, in the County of Sussex, of poor but Christian parents. From my birth I have to say with David, “My times are in Thy hands”—it being a question for some time as to…

  • J. Harlick

    The Life And Ministry Of J. Harlick

    In “the race set before us” we all start naked, and helpless. I was born in the parish of Somersham, Hunts., August 24, 1851. My father was a godly man, but mother spent her years without hope. There was a family of twelve out of which I am the youngest. It can truly be said of me, I was "one born out of due time" (1 Cor. 15:8). My mother had left child-bearing for seven years, when she gave birth to twins, one died, and I, even one "as good as dead" (Heb. 2:12) (for many times they thought I had returned), am the other. But God had a purpose of love and mercy to make known in and by me, that I should bear…

  • George Greenyer

    The Life And Ministry Of George Greenyer

    Mr. George Greenyer was born into this world of sin and sorrow, at Denton, Sussex, July l6, 1822. Our departed brother was brought up to attend Church with his parents and family, until he was about seventeen years of age, when, in the Providence of God, he was removed to Brighton, where he attended the Parish Church, often conscious of a void in his heart—a want he did not understand.  He was at this time employed in a business establishment where there were several servants kept, when one day he overheard one of the female servants—a godly young woman—say, in answer to a question, “I read a chapter in my Bible night and morning.” Our dear brother thought to himself, '' And why should not…

  • J. W. Bamber

    The Life And Ministry Of J. W. Bamber

    I was born, June, 1849, in the town of Preston, in the county of Lancashire, England. I thank God that I was led to the Vauxhall Baptist Sunday-school, and there had the teaching of a God-honouring man. I received much sound Biblical knowledge, and the prayers of my dear grandmother, and her steadfastness in the truth of God, often comes across my mind, for I well remember how she used to leave the large congregations to attend the sect everywhere spoken against, the Particular Baptists. [My grandmother was baptized by the late William Gadsby.] I was often led to enquire in my mind how it was that as others of the family would attend the fashionable Churches, that dear grandmother would take me with her…

  • John Gibbens

    The Life And Ministry Of John Gibbens

    My Dear Brother,—I had no idea when I related my call by grace and to the ministry at my Recognition Service, at which you were present, and heard it from my own lips, that you would ever wish it to be put into print, but as it is your desire I respond, and hope I may only say that which shall extol grace rather than the individual. I was born in the village of Barham, Kent (midway between Canterbury and Dover), Feb. 2nd, 1837. It was my privilege to have a Christian home; my father was one of the best men I ever knew, a man of God, who loved God's Word and God's house. I often mention it now, he never absented himself when…