• John Jones,  William Styles

    The Life And Legacy Of John Jones

    The Christians whose sentiments are advocated in this magazine are at once the oldest and the youngest section of the denomination to which they belong. They are the oldest, for they are, in all essential respects, identical with the Particular Baptists of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. They are the youngest, for they did not assume their present distinct position until the popularity of the doctrinal views of Andrew Fuller (originally promulgated in 1782) and the spread of the practice of open communion (first introduced by Robert Hall about the year 1816) compelled them to make a stand for the faith and order of the Gospel and to withdraw from all ecclesiastical connection with those who had so widely departed from the tenets of their…

  • John Jones

    The Life And Death Of John Jones

    The Death Of Mr. John Andrews Jones, Of Jireh Chapel, East Road, City Road While busily engaged in writing, a note came to hand which authorises us to announce that the patriarchal metropolitan Baptist minister—John Andrews Jones—has been removed from this world, where for more than eighty-eight years he was an inhabitant. The note referred to, says,— “260, Oxford street, July 15th, 1868. “Mr. C. W. Banks,—It is my painful duty to inform you of the death of Mr. J. A. Jones, which occured this morning at three o’clock. You will not be surprised, knowing he had been so long laid aside. Kindly insert some notice in the Vessel. I am, dear sir, yours truly, “A. Clark.” Thus the oldest head of a long-standing race…

  • Grey Hazlerigg Sermons

    The Death Of Grey Hazlerigg

    We sincerely hope the Church of Christ will be favoured with the record of the life of this faithful pastor, preacher, and editor. Our beloved brother fell asleep in Jesus on October 4th, 1912, at the advanced age of 94 years. For over three score years he was the devoted pastor of the Church meeting for worship at Zion Chapel, Leicester. We had anticipated the publication of his life and labours in the Gospel Standard, of which at one time he was the esteemed editor, but were disappointed in having but two pages in the December issue, with no indication of a forthcoming memoir.

  • Grey Hazlerigg Sermons,  James Popham,  Joseph Philpot

    Philpot’s And Popham’s Remembrance Of Grey Hazlerigg

    Jospeh Philpot: “I remember him as a slim, dapper, little man with a pale, thin face and an aristocratic nose." James Popham, then Editor of the Gospel Standard in the year of Hazlerigg’s death: “It would seem that an archangel cannot be employed in a work so honourable, so glorifying to God, so beneficial to elect men as a true minister of the gospel can. And such a minister was the late Mr. Hazlerigg. To how many he was such is known only to God who sent him and

  • William Mortimer

    The Life And Ministry Of William Mortimer

    The Late Mr. Mortimer.—Many of our friends expressed their regret that we published so poor an account of Mr. Mortimer as appeared in our No. for June, 1869. But we published all we received, and could not do more. Last month, a friend at Chippenham sent us a copy of the"Wiltshire Independent" of April 8th, 1869, containing a few further particulars, with a request that we would insert them. While expressing our surprise that these particulars have been so long delayed, we feel it right to give them a place, believing they will be acceptable to Mr. Mortimer's more immediate friends.

  • William Osmond

    The Life And Death Of William Osmond

    The  announcement of the departure of our devoted and loving brother William Osmond to the heavenly Canaan took us somewhat by surprise. The event took place, as will be seen in the annexed account by brother Goodhew, secretary of the Church at Ebenezer, on Tuesday, January 8, 1895. As a sketch of the origin, call by grace and to the ministry, with a portrait, appeared in our September number, 1892, there will be no necessity for a recapitulation, a concise summary will be sufficient to refresh the memory.