The Life And Legacy Of William Romaine
The Rev. William Romaine was born on the twenty-fifth day of September 1714. The place of his birth was Hartlepool, a town in the county of Durham. His father was one of the French Protestants who took refuge in England upon the revocation of the edict of Nants: he settled in this place as a merchant, and became a member of the corporation, which is a very ancient one. He was a dealer in corn, and a man fearing God and hating covetousness, of which he gave a remarkable proof in the year 1741. This country was then at war with Spain, and, either from this circumstance or from scarcity, there was “a considerable advance in the price of wheat, from six to fifteen shillings…
The Life And Legacy Of Watts Wilkinson
The portrait with which we present our readers this month is that of that venerable servant of God and minister of the Gospel, the Rev. W. W. Wilkinson, B.A., Afternoon Lecturer of St. Mary Aldermary. Bow Lane, Cheapside, and Tuesday Morning Lecturer of St. Bartholomew’s by the Royal Exchange. We cannot give a particular or minute account of the youth or early incidents of the life of this man of God, inasmuch as, notwithstanding he is one of the most popular preachers in London, yet he has lived all his life in the strictest privacy, from his youth dwelling in the bosom of a happy family in the midst of children, and not seeking for any enjoyment in the mixed company of the world, or…
The Life And Character Of Augustus Toplady
In commencing a new scries of this Periodical, which has now had an existence of about seventy years duration, we judged that it would be an acceptable introduction to its general Readers and Friends, interested in the promulgation of Divine truth, to give a portrait and sketch of the life and character of one of its first Editors, the illustrious and learned Toplady. He was the boldest and most successful advocate and defender of the Church of England she ever possessed, from the vile slanders and jesuitical insinuations of the Wesleyan dissenters. He made a grand exhibition of Divine truth on the platform of Church of England orthodoxy, which all the Pelagian sophistry in the world cannot conceal from the enlightened eye. He evinced that…
The Life And Ministry Of Henry Birch
Mr. Birch was the last surviving son of the Rev. Thomas Birch, of Thoresby, Lincolnshire. When at Magdalen College, Oxford, the Lord was pleased to convince him of sin, and he became greatly alarmed concerning his eternal state. The thoughts of eternity would intrude when pursuing his studies so as to unfit him for his ordinary duties, and the only books from which he found comfort and spiritual instruction at that time (from the best information we can get) were "Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress" and Luther's "Commentary on the 51st Psalm." But the Lord having effectually begun the great work of calling a sinner out of darkness into his marvelous light, he fell yet into deeper soul trouble, and his downcast countenance manifested so legibly his…
The Life And Ministry Of Stephen Offer
On May 22nd, 1854, in the blessed hope of a glorious resurrection, Stephen Offer, Fyfield, Wiltshire, who for more than 30 years preached the word of life in the village of Netheravon, and occasionally in the towns and villages adjacent, viz., Devizes, Allington, Enford, Upavon, &c., being well known and much esteemed by the children of God in those parts. Being led much into the depths of the fall, he felt much the plague of his own heart, though he was one who pondered well the path of his feet, and gained a good report among men for his candour and uprightness. A remark made by one of the villagers since his decease speaks much. He said, "Stephen was always calling himself a vile creature…
The Life And Ministry Of James Manser
On Saturday, the 25th of February last, James Manser fell asleep in Jesus. The subject of this notice was a native of Sussex, in England, and arrived in America in the year 1839, a young man of about 16 years of age. He was called from nature's darkness into God's marvellous light in early life, and was known to many in New York by his communications through the "Signs of the Times," during the years 1844 to 1850, and more recently as Editor of the "Zion's Pilgrim." The writer became acquainted with Mr. Manser about ten years ago, when they were, in the providence of God, introduced to each other in a somewhat remarkable manner. The circumstances are thus related by Mr. Manser, in his…