The Life And Ministry Of William Scandrett
We are favored with a copy of a neat pamphlet just written by our Christian and ministerial brother, Thomas Jones, of Dacre Park, Blackheath, entitled—“Jubilee Jottings. A Retrospect of the Past. An Ebenezer of Praise. Passages in the History of the Baptist Church at Sible Hedingham, Essex.” The profits of this little fourpenny book (if there be any) are to be given to the Sunday-school connected with the chapel; and as it is a most pleasing and instructive narrative, we expect it will circulate far and near. The author has given us full permission to use as much of it as we can; we therefore connect with our report of the jubilee services a few extracts from the church’s history. The following paragraphs carry us…
The Life And Ministry Of Cornelius Cowley
He grew up strong in mind and body, until about ten years of age, when he had a very severe attack of rheumatic gout in his feet, which very much reduced him, and from which he suffered more or less throughout his life. After this, he had a very narrow escape from the bursting of a gun, which he let off loaded with gravel stones, when sent by a farmer to drive the birds from a field newly-sown with corn. When between the age of thirteen and fourteen he was apprenticed to the boot and shoe business for seven years. He was very quick in learning his trade; but at the age of seventeen, feeling himself grown up quite a man, he did not like…
The Life And Ministry Of Thomas Stringer
It was with feelings of great disappointment and regret that we were debarred from paying our last tribute of sincere affection to the memory of our dear friend and brother in Christ, Thomas Stringer, in not attending his funeral on March 28th, as we were then engaged in Oxfordshire. Although the late Thomas Stringer could not boast of either learning, riches, or worldly fame, he could boast of what Christ had done in the salvation of his immortal soul, and of the value of rich, free and sovereign grace. In the person and deportment of Mr. Stringer there a manliness and true nobleness, descriptive of a fine old English Christian gentleman. Of course, like all men who know themselves, he could not glory in perfection…
The Life And Testimony Of Edward Vorley
Edward Vorley entered into an eternal state of glory on Lord's Day morning, March 11, 1838, in the 73rd year of his age. He was for upwards of 31 years the faithful and much-beloved pastor of the Particular Baptist church assembling at Ebenezer chapel, St. Peter's Lane. Leicester, where, we may truly say, without ostentation, he had been a very useful instrument, in the Lord's hand, of much good, both in the forming and establishing of this part of the Lord's vineyard, and where he has continually laboured with success, the Lord owning and blessing the word spoken by him to the comforting, edifying, and building up of his family. He was favoured with a measure of bodily health and strength which is unusual at…
The Life And Testimony Of John M’Kenzie
My dear Friend,—I take up my pen to write you some account of the last days of our dear departed friend and brother, John M'Kenzie, believing that to you and many of the readers of the Gospel Standard it will be interesting. As you are fully aware of the nature of his complaint, (bleeding from the lungs,) I shall confine myself to his last attack; and to a few gleanings of the words which fell from his lips. He left Darley Dale, Derbyshire, on Wednesday, the 25th of July, and arrived at Preston the same evening, having travelled about seventy miles. He stood his journey remarkably well, and conversed freely during the evening, expressing thankfulness that he had safely arrived at Preston, his friends remarking…
The Life And Testimony Of Edman Forman
Our divine Lord and Master continues to thin the ranks of His servants—His beloved Messengers, by calling them to Himself. It must be a source of more than ordinary grief when a loving Christian minister is removed from his flock by death; and especially so when a close, spiritual relationship has existed between them for many years, as in the case of our dear departed brother, Mr. E. Forman, pastor of Providence Chapel, March, who entered his eternal rest, after a painful illness, on Monday morning, August 1, 1887, at the age of 73. Our late brother’s occasional visits to the Metropolis and its suburbs were always acceptable, and whenever we were privileged to listen to his voice, we invariably found his ministrations and conversation…