• Ebenezer Marsh

    The Life And Testimony Of Ebenezer Marsh

    Our esteemed brother Marsh has joined the ranks of "the spirits of just men made perfect." The tongue, so often heard in the Churches magnifying his Lord and Master, lies silent in the grave, and he can no more wield the pen in the behalf of His cause. He has passed for ever from the stage of this world, but his memory is with us still, and these lines are designed to keep that memory in a measure among our readers.

  • Ebenezer Marsh

    The Life And Death Of Ebenezer Marsh

    It is with very great regret, and with feelings of sorrow, which we are sure will be shared by a large number of friends throughout the Churches, that we have to announce the departure of our beloved brother, Mr. Marsh, the greatly-esteemed Editor of this Magazine. After about three months' distressing illness, borne with patience and characteristic cheerfulness, he received the Home-call in the afternoon of Wednesday, October 22nd.

  • John Kershaw

    John Kershaw: A Preacher Of Grace

    Dear Sir, I do not wonder at the strong terms of approval in which you speak of the late Mr. Kershaw's autobiography. I have read it with deepest interest. There is one feature of the work that specially commends itself to my mind; that is, its freedom from rancour and bitterness. Even where he differs, he seeks to concede as much as possible to his opponent, without compromising his own character or principles.

  • Charles Gordelier

    The Life And Ministry Of Charles Gordelier

    My father, the late Charles Gordelier, was born on the 14th April, 1813, in Norton Folgate, Bishopsgate. His father was a deacon of the French Protestant Church in Spitalfields. My father left school at the age of twelve years, his education therefore was very limited. In the year 1828, my grandfather took part of a house with Mr. John Bowers, whose daughter Elizabeth he afterwards married, on the 24th April, 1834. Two daughters by his first marriage are still living; the eldest has been house-keeper for twenty years, at 48, Market-place, Leicester (the late Mr. John Orton's), and the second is married to Captain J. W. Gifford, and resides in Rhodes Island, United States. My father’s first wife died very suddenly while singing a hymn,…

  • Thomas Burns

    The Life And Ministry Of Thomas Burns

    Death. On March 25th, 1897, Thomas Burns, of Walsall, Baptist minister. He was the son of Simeon Burns, who was for many years Baptist minister at Gornal. Thomas, when a young man at home, was often present at family prayer; but when he heard his father mention his name in the petitions, his heart would fill with hatred and disgust. When young he was very self-willed and stubborn, and possessed no small amount of pride; but the Lord had a set time and place for the effectual call of his child. This happened when he was about twenty-two years old; and the Lord so worked upon his heart and conscience, that he was brought down from the mount of haughtiness into the valley of humiliation.…

  • John Axford

    Forty Years In The Wilderness Of America

    Dear Friend, For over forty years have I been living in this city of New York, having landed here, from England, on April 20th, 1831. The first year or two were spent I scarcely know how; better for me could that time be blotted out. But no; that cannot be. It remains, if I am what I hope I am, as an evidence of the truth of that blessed portion of God's word: "Sanctified by God the Father, preserved in Jesus Christ, and called." Kent was right when he wrote: "There is a period known to God, When all his sheep, redeemed by blood,  Shall leave the hateful ways of sin,  Turn to the fold and enter in." Though I was mercifully preserved from bringing…