• Thomas Hardy

    The Life And Ministry Of Thomas Hardy

    Mr. T. Hardy was born July 22, 1790, at a house on the road leading to Kirby-Muxloe, four miles from Leicester, with a twin sister, bearing a striking likeness to each other, not only in features, but in other respects; both enrolled in the book of life, and brought to seek salvation from a sense of deep necessity about the same time. The Sovereign Lord has also snatched from the ruins of the fall several others of the same family. The twin sister is still living; but afflicted at times with nervous affections, as was the case with her brother Thomas, for the most part of his life.

  • Thomas Hardy

    The Life And Testimony Of Thomas Hardy

    Another Leicester minister of this period was Thomas Hardy (1790-1833), an able and laborious servant of Christ, chiefly known now by his two volumes of Letters, edited by his personal friend, Matthew Hutchinson. They are couched in masculine and expressive language, and have comforted and fed many of God's poor and needy people. He was especially great in his expositions of the Word, and exhibited an invincible repugnance to everything new in religion. He invariably dwelt in his ministry and conversation upon those things which were calculated to unite the family of God; hence partisanship and sectarianism, as such, were foreign to him. It is noteworthy how widely useful has been the ministry of letters, and how at this period especially God endowed His servants…

  • Tobias Crisp

    The Life And Testimony Of Tobias Crisp

    Dr. Tobias Crisp, like many others of the Lord’s people, was, in his earlier years, a zealous Arminian and very indefatigable in his ministerial duties. But it pleased God several years before his death to lead his mind into the heights and depths of free grace and everlasting love and to establish his soul in an extraordinary manner in the faith of imputed righteousness. This soon procured for him the surname of Antinomian, though all who knew him, both professors and profane, were witnesses to his uncommon devotedness to God and to the holiness of his life. After his strength was greatly spent by constant and laborious preaching, praying, &c., often whole nights, to the ruin of his health, he died in 1642. But the…

  • Martin Luther

    The Life And Legacy Of Martin Luther

    It was about the middle of July, 1504-5, that a young man, a student at the University of Erfurt, invited his friends to his apartments to spend an evening in conversation and music. At the close, he told them that it would be the last time they would meet together for such pleasure, for on the morrow he would become a monk. This was the language of Martin Luther. His father had intended him for a lawyer, but the death of one of his companions, and being brought to death's door himself but a little while before, weighed so heavily upon his mind that he determined to enter upon a different course of life. He sent the gown and ring of his degree of M.A.,…

  • James Francis

    The Life And Ministry Of James Francis

    The life of this good man was so full of incident that we regret he was unable to comply with our oft-repeated wish that he would commit particulars of the same to paper. It appears that he was born in the parish of St. Giles, Cripplegate, London, on the 8th of November, 1765. His father was a godly man, and very strict in his discipline. James, when a boy, attended the means of grace to the extent of four distinct services a day, and, under the influence of a fiery zeal, thought himself very religious, and on the high road to heaven. But his good brother George (for some years a minister of Snow's Fields, Borough of Southwark) saw the delusion, and thus accosted him,…

  • Francis Covell

    The Life And Ministry Of Francis Covell

    The late beloved Francis Covell still lives in the affections of thousands of the Lord's family to whom his ministry was made a blessing. Although his work was chiefly confined to Croydon, yet the influence of his ministry extended far beyond his native town, in which he preached for over thirty-five years. His printed sermons, which were published monthly, have long been out of print, and any stray copies that can still be obtained are always eagerly welcomed by lovers of experimental truth, both for public and private reading. But to read Mr. Covell's sermons gives only a faint impression of what it was to hear them delivered; the whole man seemed to speak, and none who heard him could fail to realize his tremendous…