• William Gadsby Sermons (Complete)

    63 Who Hath Believed Our Report?

    “Who hath believed our report? And to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?”—Isaiah 53:1 This solemn question might have been put to God himself; for no human being in existence is capable of answering it; for though, in the dispensations of the Lord's providence, God's ministers are now and then encouraged by hearing of one and another having been brought under their ministry to believe their report, yet there may be hundreds of others of whom they may never hear. And then again, they may be so distressed, through unbelief, as to cry out, “Unto whom is the arm of the Lord revealed? Who hath believed our report?” But, though we do not see the works of the arm of the Lord, our…

  • William Gadsby Sermons (Complete)

    64 An Exposition: Preaching Good Tidings Unto The Meek

    “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek.”—Isaiah 61:1-3 What a divine cluster of immortal blessings rests in the Man Christ Jesus; and how blessed it is for poor sinners that he is appointed to give them these blessings and is filled with the Spirit without measure, that he might give them in measure to such poor vile sinners, loathsome sinners, God dishonoring sinners as we; and his blessed Majesty has to deal out these blessings to these poor sinners. However men may despise these poor hobbling creatures, the Lord will find them out, in some corner or another. God's method is to deal out his pity to these poor, forlorn…

  • George Ella's Biographical Sketches,  John Gill, A Biography By George Ella

    John Gill: And The Cause Of God And Truth

    Dr. George M. Ella is the author of definitive biographies on William Cowper, William Huntington, Henry Bullinger, James Hervey and Augustus Topdlady. He has also authored several works on theological subjects: “Justification and the Call of the Gospel”, “Common Grace and the Call of the Gospel”, “Particular Redemption: And the Theology of Andrew Fuller”, “The Free Offer and the Call of the Gospel”. In recommending Dr. Ella’s biography on John Gill, Pastor Don Fortner writes: “George Ella has been used of God to give the Christian public an opportunity to understand and appreciate one of the giants of church history in this thoroughly researched biography. As I recommend Gill's writings to anyone who wants to understand the Bible, I heartily recommend George Ella's biography to…

  • Jerome Zanchius on Absolute Predestination (Complete)

    Life of Jerom Zanchius

    Some Account of the Life of Jerom Zanchius It has been asserted[1] that this great divine was born at Alzano, a town of Italy, situate in the valley of Seri, or Serio. But the learned John Sturmius, who was not only Zanchy's contemporary, but one of his most intimate friends, expressly affirms, in a speech[2] delivered on a public and important occasion, that he was nobili natus jamilia Bergomi, born of an illustrious family at Bergamo, the capital of a little province, in the north-west of Italy, anciently a part of Gallia Cispadana, but A.D. 1428 made a parcel of the Venetian territory, as it still continues.[3] I look upon Sturmius's testimony as decisive, it being hardly credible that he could mistake the native place…