Martyrs Mirror: Preface
To my beloved friends and companions in Christ Jesus our Saviour Next to God we are joined to our fellow-believers who have received the same faith with us; and we shall therefore address ourselves to them. But most beloved, do not expect that we shall bring you into Grecian theatres, to gaze on merry comedies or gay performances. Here shall not be opened unto you the pleasant arbors and pleasure gardens of Atlas, Adonis or Semiramis, which are said to have been built in the air, and of which the ancients used to sing their merry lays; yet far be it from us to conduct you to places of sadness, surely not to such as can, in verity, be called places of sadness. True enough,…
Martyrs Mirror: Invocation
To God, my Lord, the Creator, Preserver and Redeemer of my soul, be praise, honor and majesty, forever and ever. Pardon me, O my Lord and my God! that I, who am but dust and ashes, approach Thee. Gen. 18:27. I fear to come to Thee, because Thou art a consuming fire, while I am wood, hay and stubble, subject to be burned; yet I must not remain away from Thee, because I have that which is Thine, yea, which is Thy most precious treasure, even the blood and offering of the saints; I must needs come and offer it to Thee. May it be well-pleasing to Thee, my dear Savior, that I offer that which long since has been offered up to Thee. But…
The Martyrs Mirror
The Bloody Theatre, or, Martyrs Mirror of the Defenseless Christians Who baptised only upon confession of faith, and who suffered and died for the testimony of Jesus, their Saviour, from the time of Christ to the Year A. D. 1660. Compiled from various authentic chronicles, memorials, and testimonies, by Thieleman J. Van Braght, 1660 Translated from the original Dutch or Holland language, by Joseph F. Sohm, 1886
A Never-Failing Seed
Preached At Providence Chapel, Croydon, On November 26th, 1902 " A seed shall serve Him; it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation. They shall come, and shall declare His righteousness unto a people that shall be born, that He hath done this."—Psalm 22:30,31It is quite possible that every one of us here firmly believes that "a seed shall serve Him"; and because of that we have been exercised as to the advisability of taking this text. We want something to feed upon; we want to find the water of life, we want to find manna in the wilderness. We know that God can make His doctrines hidden manna and strong meat, and the wine of the gospel to our souls. We want…
On Preaching the Gospel
By William GadsbyWe maintain that it is the right for a minister of Jesus Christ to preach the gospel in the hearing of all that hear him; and what we find fault with is not preaching the gospel to all that hear but men pretending that they are authorised to offer the gospel to all that hear them. We consider that to preach the gospel is one thing, and to offer the gospel is quite another thing. Hence when a man gets up into a pulpit, and says, “In God’s name I offer Christ, and pardon, and salvation, to every soul of you present; if you reject this offer, you may never have another; therefore come now and take Christ and salvation, while you have…
One of the Highest Insults
About sixteen years ago, I heard a young man from Hoxton (Association Baptist) Academy make the following remarks: “I now offer you Christ, and Christ stands with open arms ready to receive you. Yea, he begs, and prays, and beseeches you all to come unto him and have life; and yet some of you will not come. Nay, it is as if God the Father came and fell upon his knees before you, begging and beseeching you to receive Christ, and come and be reconciled to him; and yet you will not come.” In this way he proceeded for a considerable length of time; and this he called “preaching the gospel to every creature.” From a professed Arminian such remarks might be expected; but for…