• Samuel Turner

    Arminianism In The Oven

    To The Late Rev. William Huntington, S. S.. Minister Of The Gospel At Providence Chapel, Little Tichfield Street, And The City Chapel, Grub Street. Dear and Honored Father in Christ Jesus, The Lord having (in love to my soul) made choice of your mouth to preach the glad tidings of a finished saltation by Jesus Christ, to the unspeakable joy of my heart, which 1 experienced to be the power of God to deliver me from the guilt and pow­er of sin, the curse of a broken law, the dominion of Satan, and the dread of death and hell: and knowing that you are sweetly taught “to condescend to men of low estate,” I have taken the liberty of dedicating the following discourses to you.…

  • John Rusk

    The Diary Of John Rusk

    1807, Sunday, Aug. 23rd, was a very uncomfortable day to me, and I know the cause; for "the backslider in heart shall be filled with his own ways." Mr. Brook preached in the morning from these words: "A man shall be a hiding-place from the wind, and a covert from the storm;" but I cannot say I got much. In the evening, he preached from, "When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man." I was shaken when he gave out the text. It was thus suggested to me: "Now, do you think you can stand this? Here is to be a searching discourse; and how if you are forced to go out, unable to stand it?" Here Satan plied me hard: and I…

  • Jared Smith's Bible Doctrine

    34 Bible Doctrine – The Believer’s Rule Of Conduct

    I would like to welcome you back to another study in Bible Doctrine. In our previous two studies, I have been looking at the three controversial issues which separate 17th century Hyper-Calvinism from 18th century Hyper-Calvinism—the doctrines of duty faith, the free offer and the ten commandments as the believer’s rule of conduct. For this study, we are looking at the ten commandments as the rule of conduct which governs the believer’s life. Those who subscribe to this doctrine assert, that while the unregenerate sinner cannot be justified with God by keeping the ten commandments, yet the regenerate sinner is sanctified by God through his/her obedience to the ten commandments. They believe God has given a law, which they identify as the moral law, which…

  • William Tant

    7 Consolation For Mourners

    Christ says, "Blessed are they that mourn." Not they shall be blessed, but, they are blessed; and this blessedness cannot be reversed: for Balaam tried all he could to alter God's mind, and so does the devil, the world, and the flesh, to this day. But all Zion's foes shall be confounded, while, with hellish grief, they each one day must own, "he hath blessed, and I cannot reverse it." There are, however, mourners who have nothing to do with the blessedness Christ speaks of; therefore Christ, speaking by his servant Isaiah, long before his incarnation, says, that he was anointed to comfort those that "mourn in Zion." "Man is born unto trouble," so that all Adam's children mourn more or less; "but the sorrow…

  • William Tant

    4 The Christian Armed With Christ

    Among other characters which God's believing people bear, that of a soldier is certainly one of the most prominent. And the apostle, speaking of himself and fellow believers, says, "Though we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh: for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds, casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought unto the obedience of Christ," 2 Cor. 10:3, 5. So that though the Christian is one who knows what it is to "groan, being burdened;" yet there are precious seasons when he knows what it is to "take the whole armour of…