• William Gadsby's Letters (Complete)

    Faithful And Industrious Household Servants

    March 9, 1830 My dear Friend in Eternal Union,—Yours came to hand; and very glad I was to receive it, and happy to hear that our dear friend Martin is in any measure better; but the best of all is, the sweet peace of mind which our ever-to-be-adored God is pleased to afford him. I often think of him when my dear Lord affords me access to himself; and sure I am that the union which exists between Christ and his dear family, and between them as one body in him, can never be broken. Let what bonds break that may, this is a bond that can never, no never be broken. Indeed, those very storms and tempests which break in pieces other bonds, only…

  • John Kershaw Sermons

    Different Stages Of Gracious Experience

    A Fragment of a Sermon "One shall say, I am the Lord's; and another shall call himself by the name of ]acob; and another shall subscribe with his hand unto the Lord, and surname himself by the name of Israel.”—Isaiah 44:5 The three characters spoken of in my text were children of God in different stages of experience: the first, in the full assurance of faith, with the enjoyment of peace and pardon in the soul; the second seemed to embrace by far the largest number of God's family—poor, fearful, staggering, doubting sinners, yet spiritual Jacobs; and the third, those who possessed some good degree of confidence, whose desire was unto the Lord, to serve him with purpose of heart. I. "One shall say, I…

  • William Gadsby's Fragments (Complete)

    The Application Of Scripture To The Mind

    Manchester, 1841 Messrs. Editors,—I am concerned to know how we may assure ourselves that a passage of Scripture, when applied to the mind, is by God the Holy Spirit, and not by the evil one who lieth in wait to deceive. If you or some of your correspondents will endeavour, through the medium of the Standard, to bring me to a satisfactory conclusion upon that matter, it will be greatly esteemed by your constant reader,—ELIZABETH. Answer. “Elizabeth” says she is “concerned to know how we are to assure ourselves that a passage of Scripture, when applied to the mind, is by God the Holy Spirit, and not by the evil one who lieth in wait to deceive.” Now to me it appears that what comes…

  • Jared Smith on the Biblical Covenants

    Two Or Three Covenants?

    One of the reasons many Reformed believers assert it is the duty of all sinners to savingly believe on Christ is because they distinguish between the covenant of redemption and the covenant of grace. They believe the covenant of redemption was made between the Father, the Son and the Spirit from eternity, whereas the covenant of grace is made between Jehovah and the sinner in time. They view the covenant of redemption as existing in the background of God’s plan for the ages, whereas the covenant of grace is set in the foreground of man’s responsibility for today. R. C. Sproul outlined this view in his book, “What Is Reformed Theology”. He explained Reformed Theology is primarily concerned with three major covenants—the covenant of redemption,…

  • Anne Steele Hymn Studies,  Jared Smith's Hymn Studies

    How Oft, Alas, This Wretched Heart

    Some of the points covered in this sermon:   • Highlighting the subject and theme of the hymn—the triumphant recovery of a rescued backslider • Showing where the subject of backsliding fits within the framework of sovereign grace • Explaining the distinction between the twofold nature of a regenerate sinner’s soul • Explaining progressive sanctification and showing why it is a wrong doctrine • Explaining the difference between progressive sanctification and growth in grace • Outlining the five stanzas of the hymn, each of which may be viewed as a step forward in the recovery process of a rescued backslider • Stanza 1—A Solemn Confession • Stanza 2—A Gracious Invitation • Stanza 3—A Mournful Petition • Stanza 4—A Joyful Acclamation • Stanza 5—A Compelled Resolution…

  • Jared Smith's Sermons

    The Gospel Law

    Some of the points covered in this sermon: • Reviewing the structure of Genesis 5:1-6:8 • The error of subverting God’s sanctification by the gospel law • Explaining the difference between the relationship Adam had with God before the fall, and the relationship regenerate sinners have with God after the fall • Showing the necessity and nature of the new birth • Showing how the regenerate sinner is zealous unto good works and affirming that God has ordained that His elect people should walk in them • Explaining the error of those who believe the heart law is given by God as the rule of conduct for a regenerate sinner’s sanctification • Explaining the error of those who believe the ten commandments are given by…