• Robert Hawker's Poor Man's Morning Portions

    September 1—Morning Devotion

    "And his name, through faith in his name, hath made this man strong."—Acts 3:16 My soul, begin this month as the Lord in mercy hath enabled thee to begin some that are past, in taking the name of Jesus for thy theme. Let his name be as ointment poured forth, whose fragrancy shall make thee strong, as it made the poor man whole. And as the Lord hath opened a new month to thee in grace, do thou take up his name, through faith in his name, in praise and prayer. And see to it, my soul, that through the month, and indeed the whole of life, improve his name in every case, in every want, in every need. Depend upon it, his name will…

  • Robert Hawker's Poor Man's Morning Portions

    August 5—Morning Devotion

    "Therefore, thus saith the Lord, I am returned to Jerusalem with mercies."— Zechariah 1:16 My soul, think what a sad state that land, that church, that family, that heart is in, where God withdraws but for a moment! This will be one way of rightly appreciating his presence. What a mercy, what an unspeakable mercy is it when God returns! For until he returns in grace, there will be no return to him in a way of seeking mercy. Pause, my soul, over the thought. Though a child of God loseth not the interest and favour of God in his covenant, because what unworthiness soever, as in ourselves, we must appear in before God, yet in Christ there is an everlasting worthiness, in which his…

  • Robert Hawker's Poor Man's Morning Portions

    August 1—Morning Devotion

    "In thy name shall they rejoice all the day: and in thy righteousness shall they be exalted."—Psalm 89:16 See, my soul, what a blessed cause is again before thee to begin the month, and to carry it on through every day, and all the day, and in every part of the day, for joy in the name and righteousness of Jesus. And mark it with peculiar emphasis, that it is Jesus, as Jesus, the Christ of God, and his righteousness as the righteousness of God, in which all thy rejoicing is, and not in the finest frames, or spiritual exercises of thine own. A daily sense of a need of Christ, and as constant a sense of acting faith upon Christ; these form the foundation…

  • Jared Smith On Various Issues

    Is Hyper-Calvinism A False Gospel?

    Based on the false dichotomy between the sovereignty of God and the responsibility of man, Low and Moderate Calvinists misrepresent High (Hyper) Calvinism as that form of doctrine which is unorthodox, killing a love for souls, eliminating the need for evangelism and undermining the purpose of prayer. Such are the charges set forth by Roy Hargrave as the reasons why he abhors the Hyper-Calvinists. However, are these assertions true? Is Hyper-Calvinism unorthodox? Does Hyper-Calvinism kill a love for souls? Does Hyper-Calvinism eliminate the need for evangelism? Does Hyper-Calvinism undermine the purpose of prayer? In this study, Jared Smith responds to these charges, setting forth an argument that not only are Hyper-Calvinists orthodox, but they alone nurture an authentic love for souls, fulfill the great work…

  • John E. Hazelton Sermons


    A Sermon Preached By John E. Hazelton "They shall be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of Thy house: and Thou shall make them drink of the river of Thy pleasures. For with Thee is the fountain of life; in Thy light shall we see light.”—Psalm 36:8,9 The older the child of God grows, the more he realises the disappointing and transitory and heart-sickening character of the world in which he dwells. The more he knows of his own heart, so fickle and changeable, the more he knows of the fulness and the lovingkindness of his never-changing God, the more precious does the book of Psalms become to him. Of all parts of the Word of God, this book is perhaps most frequently before the eyes,…