• Jared Smith On Various Issues

    Is Hyper-Calvinism A False Gospel?

    Based on the false dichotomy between the sovereignty of God and the responsibility of man, Low and Moderate Calvinists misrepresent High (Hyper) Calvinism as that form of doctrine which is unorthodox, killing a love for souls, eliminating the need for evangelism and undermining the purpose of prayer. Such are the charges set forth by Roy Hargrave as the reasons why he abhors the Hyper-Calvinists. However, are these assertions true? Is Hyper-Calvinism unorthodox? Does Hyper-Calvinism kill a love for souls? Does Hyper-Calvinism eliminate the need for evangelism? Does Hyper-Calvinism undermine the purpose of prayer? In this study, Jared Smith responds to these charges, setting forth an argument that not only are Hyper-Calvinists orthodox, but they alone nurture an authentic love for souls, fulfill the great work…

  • John E. Hazelton Sermons


    A Sermon Preached By John E. Hazelton "They shall be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of Thy house: and Thou shall make them drink of the river of Thy pleasures. For with Thee is the fountain of life; in Thy light shall we see light.”—Psalm 36:8,9 The older the child of God grows, the more he realises the disappointing and transitory and heart-sickening character of the world in which he dwells. The more he knows of his own heart, so fickle and changeable, the more he knows of the fulness and the lovingkindness of his never-changing God, the more precious does the book of Psalms become to him. Of all parts of the Word of God, this book is perhaps most frequently before the eyes,…

  • William Tiptaft's Letters

    As Your Days, So Shall Your Strength Be

    May 2nd, 1831 My dear Brother, I was very glad to hear by your last letter that your wife has safely delivered another son; and I hope that he will prove a blessing to you both. God's mercies have been great and manifold towards you in this life, and I pray that they may not prove snares. The children of God almost always flourish more in trials and difficulties than in the sunshine of health and prosperity. The promise is, "As your days, so shall your strength be"; consequently, if there are not trials within from Satan's temptations, or afflictions and persecutions from without, we would not call upon God heartily for help. So when we pray for grace, we at the same time ask…

  • Joseph Philpot's Sermons

    The Hidden Manna, The White Stone And The New Name

    A Sermon Preached by Joseph Philpot at Gower Street Chapel, London, on Lord's Day Morning, June 21, 1868 "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.”—Revelation 2:17 I do not know a more solemn or weighty part of the Word of God than the messages, which our gracious Lord sent by the hand of John to the seven churches in Asia, which we find contained in chapters 2 and 3 of the Book of Revelation. As introductory to these messages, and…

  • William Tiptaft's Letters

    When You And Your Wife Think Alike

    January 8, 1831 My dear Brother, I am very anxious to hear how the work of grace is going on in your hearts, whether you prove all things and hold fast that which is good. The way to heaven is strait and narrow, and Satan is an unwearied adversary, in disputing every inch of the way. You will be much despised and cast out for Christ's sake, and nothing will offend more than separating yourselves as much as possible from carnal people. It is the life which condemns the professing world. When the world sees you unmoved by the riches and the pleasures which it so much adores; when you are led by the Spirit "to count all things but rubbish for the excellency of…

  • Joseph Philpot's Letters

    Feeling I Have No Grace Or Religion

    October 1, 1834. My dear Tiptaft,—I have been kept from writing to you, sometimes from occupation, sometimes from sloth, and sometimes from the feeling that I could write nothing profitable. Every day, indeed, I seem to see more and more that I have little or no grace. And at these times, when I can draw to the throne of grace and ask the Lord to work in and upon my soul, I seem to have less grace than ever. At such times, and I have been occasionally favored with a little earnestness, I feel everything in me so shallow, so unreal, so little like the mighty work of the Spirit on the soul. The fountains of the great deep are not broken up, and all…