• Robert Hawker's Poor Man's Morning Portions

    September 29—Morning Devotion

    "And it came to pass, when the vessels were full, that she said unto her son, bring me yet a vessel. And he said unto her, there is not a vessel more. And the oil stayed."—2 Kings 4:6 Do I not see Jesus and his fulness here? His giving out never ceaseth, until we have no more empty vessels to receive. And surely it is but proper the oil of grace should stay, when there are no more souls to be supplied. Pity indeed would it be, that any thing so precious should be spilt on the ground. My soul, art thou not poor as this poor woman? Is the creditor come to take thee for bondage? Cry mightily to Jesus, the Lord God of…

  • Robert Hawker's Poor Man's Morning Portions

    September 26—Morning Devotion

    "And they shall hang upon him all the glory of his father's house."—Isaiah 22:4 And who is this but Jesus, the true Eliakim and Governor of heaven and earth? Jesus sweetly explained it himself, when declaring himself possessing the key of David. Rev. 3:7. And hath not God the Father literally given all things into his hands? Is there any thing which Jehovah hath kept back? Hath it not pleased the Father, that in him should all fulness dwell? Is not Jesus the head over all things to the church, which is his body? Is he not the Almighty Lord and Treasurer of all things—grace here, glory hereafter? And is not our Jesus the administrator of all things in the world, both of providence and…

  • Jared Smith's Sermons

    Stand Fast In The Liberty Of Your Union With Christ

    This study is the second of a two part series based on the teachings of the Apostle Paul in Galatians 5:1: “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” In the previous study, Jared drew a line between the false doctrine of Progressive Sanctification and the entanglement again with the yoke of bondage. In this study, he draws a line between the scriptural doctrine of spiritual growth in Christ and standing fast in the liberty wherewith He has made the believer free.

  • Jared Smith's Sermons

    Entangled With The Yoke Of Bondage

    Having served for three years as an Evangelist in the Philippines, Jared Smith has prepared two studies based on Galatians 5:1, in response to the insidious doctrine of progressive sanctification, which pervades every church and Christian denomination with which he has come into contact throughout the course of his evangelistic labors. The Apostle Paul identifies the doctrine of progressive sanctification as “another gospel”, and Jared attempts in this study to explain why.

  • Robert Hawker's Poor Man's Morning Portions

    September 16—Morning Devotion

    "I will strengthen them in the Lord, and they shall walk up and down in his name, saith the Lord."—Zechariah 10:12 My soul, mark these words, how precious they are; and mark the Speaker and Promiser, and consider how sure they are. Is not this God the Father speaking of the church, and most graciously assuring the church that he will strengthen the church in Jesus, the church's glorious Head? Is not this said with an eye to Christ, who is represented in another part of this blessed prophecy as calling upon the church to attend to him, who is come to build the temple of the Lord, and to bear all the glory, and who expressly saith that the church shall know that he,…

  • Robert Hawker's Poor Man's Morning Portions

    September 15—Morning Devotion

    "As for me I am poor and needy, yet the Lord thinketh upon me.”—Psalm 40:17 My soul, sit down, and reckon up thy true riches. See what are thine outward circumstances, and take an inventory of all thine inward wealth. Thou art, by nature and by practice, one of the children of a bankrupt father, even Adam, who lived insolvent, and died wretchedly poor in himself, having entailed only an inheritance of sin, misery, and death, with the loss of divine favour, upon the whole race of his children. By nature and by practice thou art poor in the sight of God, despised by angels on account of thy loathsome disease of sin; thine understanding darkened; thy will corrupt; passions impetuous, proud, self-willed; all in…