11 Bible Doctrine – Have Arminians Diagramed Their Framework Of Doctrine?
A Transcript Of The Video Study Yes, Arminians have produced many diagrams for their framework of doctrine. There are far too many to examine for this study. So I have selected as examples three of the more prominent diagrams. 1. The Romans Road. The Romans Road to salvation is a free will formula of conversion whereby sinners are led on a path to make a decision for Christ. This diagram receives its name from Paul’s epistle to the Romans, as a number of verses are selected from that epistle in support of the free will formula. The Romans Road to salvation looks something like this: But there is another popular diagram used by Arminians: 2. The Gospel Bridge. In fact, I believe many people are…
10 Bible Doctrine – Do The Strict And Particular Baptists Have A Framework Of Doctrine?
A Transcript Of The Video Study In our previous study, I introduced to you several prominent men and women belonging to the Strict and Particular Baptists of past centuries. The question which now arises—Do the Strict and Particular Baptists have a framework of doctrine around which they organize their teachings? The answer is yes, they do have a framework of doctrine, which can be extracted from their writings. Now, in my view, these writings should be arranged under one of two general categories—First, the 17th and 18th century preachers, who tended to approach the gospel doctrinally and systematically; Second, the 19th and 20th century preachers, who seemed to be more inclined to approach the gospel practically and experientially. Of course, this is not a hard…
10 Bible Reading – How Were The Saints Of The Old Testament Saved?
A Transcript Of The Video Study This is a question I have answered several times in previous studies. However, it happens to be a question which seems to linger in the minds of many church goers, especially those who have been influenced by Dispensational teachings. As I pointed out in our previous study, there are many people who view the Old Testament to be a revelation of God’s Law, which sinners were responsible to obey in order to have a relationship with God, whereas they see the New Testament as a revelation of God’s grace where sinners are responsible to believe on Christ in order to have a relationship with God. When those who believe such things are questioned about whether sinners are saved by…
9 Bible Reading – To What Do The Labels “Old Testament” And “New Testament” Refer?
A Transcript Of The Video Study In our previous study, I attempted to show you how the Mosaic Covenant is aligned with the Covenant of Works and the Covenant of Grace. In essence, the Covenant of Works and the Covenant of Grace are the two spiritual and perpetual covenants under which members of the human race are in relationship to and with God. Throughout the course of history, all unregenerate sinners (Jews and Gentiles) are in relationship to God under the authority of the Covenant of Works, whereas all regenerate sinners (Jews and Gentiles) are in relationship with God under the authority of the Covenant of Grace. As for the Mosaic Covenant, it was a national and temporal covenant designed only for the Jewish people…
8 Bible Reading – How Does The Mosaic Covenant Fit Into The Leading Message Of The Bible?
A Transcript Of The Video Study In our previous study, I attempted to explain how the Covenant of Works and the Covenant of Grace differ from the Mosaic Covenant. In my closing statements, I provided an outline for the law which governs each covenant. Under the Covenant of Works, the Heart Law is a twofold law ordained by God for all unregenerate sinners—(1) to love God supremely, and (2) to love one’s neighbor as one’s self. Under the Covenant of Grace, the Gospel Law is ordained by God for all regenerate sinners, which is nothing other than the sinner’s spiritual union with Christ. Under the Mosaic Covenant, the Law of Moses is a threefold law ordained by God for the Jewish people as a nation—(1)…
The Sun Of Righteousness Has Risen
Some of the points covered in this sermon: • Providing a historic context for the book of Malachi • Highlighting three great events predicted by Malachi in the fourth chapter—the destruction of Jerusalem, the advent of Christ and the ministry of John the Baptist • Underscoring the twofold description of Christ—the Sun of righteousness shall arise, with healing in His wings • Pointing out the threefold description of God’s elect people—they fear the name of the Lord, they shall go forth and they shall grow up as calves in the stall