• Jared Smith On Various Issues,  William Squirrell

    1891 Inaugural Address To The Metropolitan Association Of Strict Baptist Churches

    Inaugural Address To The Churches, Delivered At The Annual Meeting Of The Metropolitan Association Of Strict Baptist Churches, March 10th, 1891, By The President, Mr. W. K. Squirrell, Pastor Of Hill Street, Dorset Square, Marylebone.  “Go in this thy might.”—Judges 6:14 Dear Brethren,—next to my call by grace, I feel it is my highest privilege to belong to the Strict and Particular Baptist Denomination; a denomination that, amidst all the tendency of the times towards indefiniteness, and the hollow cries of spurious charity, abides by the truth of God, and adheres to New Testament order of Church government. Thank God, dear brethren, we believe something, and that something is increasingly dear to us as our rule of faith and practice, "For the mouth of the…

  • Daniel Whitaker

    The Nature And Design Of Gospel Invitations

    The occasion of the following Sermon having been preached, and of its being now published to the world, is as follows. An association of Baptist Ministers in London, maintaining the distinguishing doctrines of the Gospel, are in the habit of meeting together once in three months, at each other's places of worship, for their mutual edification, and to promote union among their respective Churches; after which, a sermon is preached, on a previously appointed subject. Being one of that Association, I was at our meeting in June last, chosen the Lecturer for the next occasion, and the subject assigned me was, “The nature and design of the invitations of the Gospel." Accordingly on the 22nd of September, 1835, being through the kind providence of God,…

  • Job Hupton

    A Blow Struck At The Root Of Fullerism

    The following letter originated in a conversation upon Mr. Fuller’s sentiment, viz. “faith the duty of the unconverted,” between the writer and the gentleman to whom it is addressed, in which this question was put, by the former, to the latter. Is the peculiar faith of God’s elect, or the faith of the operation of God, a duty of the moral law? It has long appeared to me, that this question is the grand hinge upon which the controversy between Mr. Fuller, and others, about faith, turns; and that, upon this ground, the Fullerian system must stand or fall; must be fully established, or eternally demolished. Some argue against Mr. Fuller’s notion, from man’s inability, concluding, that the faith in dispute cannot be the natural…

  • Hercules Collins,  Jared Smith On Various Issues

    A Specimen Of Hercules Collins’ Teachings

    The Reformed Baptists are under the impression they represent the teachings of the 17th century Particular Baptists (17th PB’s). They believe the 17th PB’s were Moderate-Calvinists. During the 18th century, there arose a new generation of preachers who deviated from their forefathers, running to the extremes of Hyper-Calvinism. These hyper teachings killed evangelism which in turn suffocated the churches. To the rescue came Andrew Fuller, who in the latter part of the century restored the Particular Baptists to their former glory. Evangelism was reintroduced and churches could breathe again.  As you might expect, the Hyper-Calvinists believe this to be a false narrative. However, you probably have seldom, if ever, heard their side of the story. I will present it from my perspective (as a Hyper-Calvinist). 

  • George Wright

    Notes On “Fullerism”

    A main error of Mr. Fuller—and perhaps it was that in which his system, and the arguments by which he defended it, originated—consisted in the excessive and anti-scriptural ideas he formed of the accountableness of man. He attached obligations to him as a free agent, which, in fact, never devolved upon him by any law of his Creator, and invested him with a responsibility for talents which he never possessed. Because man is naturally obliged as a creature to love and obey God, according to the extensive purity and requirements of the Divine law, be maintained that the same reason in which his natural obligation as a creature was founded obliged him also, as a sinner, to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation…

  • The Voice of truth

    Precious Faith

    This we have not by nature. So far are we from being capable of faith in Christ, in a state of unregeneracy, that it is altogether contrary to our nature. God created Adam holy, and placed him in the garden of Eden in a state of sinless perfection; but he by disobedience merited the displeasure of Heaven, and being the head of the covenant of works, plunged not only himself, but the whole human race into a state of sin, degradation, misery, and death; and the word of God declares us all to be sinners of the deepest dye—dead in trespasses and sins, and blinded by the god of this world. We are all like sheep gone astray; and so fallen are we, that by…