29 Bible Doctrine – The Two Branches Of Hyper-Calvinism And The Weeds Of Modified-Calvinism
I would like to welcome you back to another study in the Word of God. I am returning to our little series on Bible Doctrine, and would like to speak on the subject of Hyper-Calvinism. I wish to begin with some basic definitions. Calvinism, as we know it by this name, emerged during the 16th century with a French theologian named John Calvin. In 1536, he published a systematic theology entitled, “The Institutes of the Christian Religion”. This, together with his sermons and commentaries on the books of the Bible, have served for hundreds of years as the benchmark for reformed teachings. Hyper-Calvinism, as you know, has a historic definition, pointing to those who deny the doctrines of duty-faith, the free-offer and the moral law…
The History Of Fullerism
The question on whether it be the duty of unregenerate sinners to believe on Christ to the saving of their souls] has been irrefutably, because scripturally, answered again and again, by most able writers in their day and generation. I have a treatise on the subject, written 123 years ago (1738), by Mr. Wayman, of Kimbolton, in reply to a Mr. Morris, of Rowell; which sets the question at rest. But the Baptist churches (generally speaking) were sound in the faith until about the year 1776, when three young men scraped an acquaintance, and became very intimate. Their names were John Sutcliffe, aged 24; John Ryland, jun., aged 23; and Andrew Fuller, Aged 22. This trio met together for the first time on May 28,…
4 Hyper Calvinist Quotes
Below are twenty-five more statements made by Hyper Calvinists: J. Foreman: “If it be the natural man's duty to believe unto salvation, then it must be the natural man's duty for God himself to be to him all what by promise and gift he is to those who through grace do believe unto salvation; and then it must be the natural man's duty for the eternal God to be to him a covenant God - a Redeemer - a Shepherd - a Saviour - a Preserver - a Comforter - a Rock, Refuge, Sun, Shield, High Tower, Horn of Salvation, and Strength - the God of all grace - a Guide - a Father and portion for ever. All this the Lord is to them…
The Two Preachers
The Moral Preacher The smooth-tongu'd, moral preacher thus begins:— Repent, believe, leave off your former sins; Attend the worship of the temple true, And see you give to ev'ry man his due. Bestow your alms likewise when you see need, The naked clothe, the hapless orphan feed. And when you fail (for all come short sometimes), Repent again; be sorry for your crimes. Thus if from day to day you ever live, Depend upon it, God will you forgive. Mind not what preachers do, but what they say; And safe to heav'n this will your souls convey.
3 Hyper Calvinist Quotes
Below are twenty-five more statements made by Hyper Calvinists: J. Hupton: “The faith under consideration is a blessing of the covenant of grace. This you must either admit or deny. If you deny it, you renounce the gospel, which says, that faith is the gift of God. That he chose his people to the belief of the truth; that he gives them on the behalf of Christ, to believe on his name; that when he calls them to believe, it is according to his own purpose and grace given them in Christ, before the world began;---and that, his covenant is ordered in all things, and sure; and, therefore, must include faith. If you admit of it, then you must give up the point in dispute;…
2 Hyper Calvinist Quotes
Below are twenty-five more statements made by Hyper Calvinists: J. Bloomfield: “It affords me no small gratification to meet with so many kind brethren in the ministry, as surround me this evening. I pray that they may be preserved in this dark and cloudy day of error and superstition, when Fullerism and Baxterianism are rapidly extending their baneful influence. I pray we may all take a decided stand again these sentiments; for while we love all who love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity, and in truth, it becomes us, as ambassadors, to stand faithful to the truth.” C. Banks: “The Baptist churches in Tring are not in a very flourishing condition. Akeman Street wants a good, full-weight, upright, first-rate pastor; brethren from the different…