A New-Year’s Gift For The Seed-Royal
A Dialogue Between Speaktruth And Thoughtful “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ."—Ephesians 1:3SPEAKTRUTH: Where now so early this morning, friend Thoughtful? THOUGHTFUL: Indeed, friend Speaktruth, I can scarcely tell you: for the truth is, I am going with the rest of my shop-mates a new-year's gifting, and our master's connexions are so extensive, that I expect we shall go to many places that I know nothing of at present. SPEAKTRUTH: I sincerely wish that what you get may be of real service to you, and not prove a means of leading you into a snare. I should be thankful to see the working-people well laden with what…
Maurice Roberts And The Free Offer Hoax
The so-called Banner of Truth’s witch-hunt against alleged Hyper-Calvinists continues with Maurice Roberts quite deceptive apology for their new, radical theology hidden behind the mask of ‘The Free Offer of the Gospel’ (Issue 503-4). Pastor Roberts has picked out all the raisins and nuts he could find in the new BOT cake, seeking to lure traditional BOT readers away from the old paths by these tempting morsels. He has, however, offered us nothing of the seasoning of gall and bitter herbs which makes his cake the most stomach-turning culinary event since the counter-reformation opened their evil-smelling kitchen as purveyors of false food. A little of this comes through in Roberts’ accusing all those who disagree with him of being Hyper-Calvinists, but such tasteless taunts are…
“Easy” Misses The Point
Do you ever feel there is more to the gospel than most people make out? Someone says, “The gospel is easy, all you have to do is believe”. Well that sounds easy. What do I have to believe? “Oh, just believe that Jesus died.” H-okay. Everyone dies – so that’s not hard to believe. Does that make me a Christian? “Well no, you have to believe He rose again from the dead, as well”. Okay. I can do that. Right, done. “And that He went to heaven. And that He is coming back.” Okay. Anything else? “Well, you must believe in God and believe you’re a sinner.” “And you have to worship, and trust in the blood, and get baptised.” “You have to repent and…
Faces In The Congregation
The woman with the thin face was captivated by the sermon. Her attention was fixed and her eyes widened with each new section introduced. She’d never heard the End Times preached so plainly. The speaker flitted expertly from Daniel to Revelation and back again. She heard how the great bear of communism would stumble and collapse, how Islam was rising to persecute the church and what personal qualities would allow early identification of the Beast and the Man of Sin. It was heady stuff and she lapped it up. Next week it would be ‘Creation’, next month, ‘The Role of Women in the Church’. She could hardly wait. The young man with short hair sits bolt upright with almost military poise. For him the best…
What It Takes For God To Save A Sinner
William Carey: Using God’s Means to Convert the People of India (Part 2)
Part Two: The Mission Prospers The mission at Serampore prospered and spread. Carey was given the most prominent building in the city for the church in which he preached for the next thirty-four years. The town of Serampore, too, prospered as it proved an asylum of peace for fugitives from the Americo-Franco-British wars and it persuaded many wealthy investors to settle there. More missionaries were urgently needed as Brunsdon soon died of a liver complaint. Fountain, who was doing pioneer work at Dinapoor, also died after a short illness. Thomas rejoined the mission but became insane and soon died. The missionaries were able to purchase a very large house in the middle of the town with two acres of garden from the Governor’s nephew for…