The Life And Influence Of Joseph Philpot
We do not need anything to remind us that it is a twelvemonth since our late friend and editor departed this life. The fact is brought most painfully to our mind every month, and almost every day of the month; certainly for twenty days in the month. But in turning over a hill of papers, we were reminded more strongly than usual by coming upon the following letters. They may be by some thought to be out of date; but they are not out of date with us, and will, we doubt not, be read with interest by many.
The True, Proper, And Eternal Sonship Of The Lord Jesus Christ, The Only Begotten Son Of God
A controversy concerning the eternal Sonship of the Lord Jesus Christ broke out among the Strict and Particular Baptist churches during the 19th century. The orthodox view, set forth by John Gill in his Body of Divinity, and defended by Joseph Philpot in this book, asserts that the second Person of the Godhead is the Son of God in His divine nature, eternally generated by the Father. The erroneous view asserts that the second Person of the Godhead is the Son of God in His human nature only, begotten of the Father at the time of the incarnation. Although the persons holding this view maintain a belief in the TriUnity of the Godhead, yet their denial of the eternal Sonship of the Lord Jesus Christ…