• Peter Meney on Doctrinal Matters

    Some Lesser Known Names Of The Lord Jesus Christ

    1. Amen : These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God (Revelation 3:14). This name of our Lord Jesus speaks of the Saviour’s trustworthiness and faithfulness. All He speaks is true, all He reveals is certain and dependable, all He promises will most surely come to pass. 2. Bishop : For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls (1 Peter 2:25). That Christ is the Bishop of our never-dying souls points to His role as overseer, protector and guide of the elect of God committed into His charge in covenant purpose by God the Father, before the foundation of the world. 3. Only Potentate :…

  • Peter Meney on Doctrinal Matters

    The Faithful And True Witness

    The evangelist John was the youngest of the Lord’s apostles. In his lifetime heresies arose concerning the divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ. By divine inspiration John wrote his gospel to combat these heresies and carefully emphasised both the Lord’s divine and His human nature. One of the ways he accomplished this was by highlighting the different names of the Saviour. In the opening chapter of his gospel John attributes at least fifteen different names to the Lord. They are: 1. The Word (v. 1) In the beginning of God’s purpose to save His people and because of His will to bless His church in accordance with His eternal decree of election, the eternal Word stood forth to speak in the everlasting council of the…

  • Peter Meney on Doctrinal Matters

    His Excellency, The Lord Jesus Christ

    Excellence excels, and the Lord Jesus Christ excels all others. Can a man love? Christ’s love is greater. Is Satan strong? Christ’s power excels all others. Do angels minister? Christ’s ministry far exceeds the heavenly host. 1. The Lord Jesus Christ’s excellent name (Hebrews 1:4) The Lord Jesus has many, many, names in the Bible. Consider a few. His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. And in every name Christ excels. In every office He is first. In every duty He completely satisfies. Every obligation is thoroughly fulfilled. He excels in everything. Therefore, God has highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: Many take His name in vain (don’t…

  • Robert Hawker's Poor Man's Morning Portions

    December 1—Morning Devotion

    "Praise waiteth for thee, Oh God, in Zion."—Psalm 65:1 Is this the language of my heart? Am I indeed waiting until that Jesus be ready to receive my poor praise? Hath God the Holy Ghost prepared my heart? Oh then, hasten to him, my soul, with thy morning offerings, poor as they are; for sure I am, Jesus is waiting to be gracious. God will accept both thee and thy offering in him the Beloved. Go forth to meet him as early and as often as thine heart can wish: depend upon it, thy Redeemer will be beforehand with thee, and is waiting thy coming. Neither thy praise nor thy prayer can outrun his love; for both are the blessed effects of his grace, and…

  • Robert Hawker's Poor Man's Morning Portions

    October 1—Morning Devotion

    "Shiloh."—Genesis 49:10 Precious name of the Lord Jesus! How blessed hath it been in all ages to thy people. Oh Lord, make it as ointment poured forth this morning to my soul! Both Jews and Christians alike agree in it, that it belongs only to the Messiah. And how then is it that they do not see Christ in it, even our Jesus, who suffered under Pontius Pilate, and died, as Caiaphas predicted the expediency, that one man should die for the people, and that he should fulfil the dying patriarch's prediction, by gathering together in one the children of God which were scattered abroad? That Jesus answered to Jacob's prediction, and none but Jesus ever did, is evident from their own testimony:—"We have a…

  • Robert Hawker's Poor Man's Morning Portions

    September 30—Morning Devotion

    "And this day shall be unto you for a memorial."—Exodus 12:14 It is blessed to end the month, and end every day, as we would wish and desire to end life, blessing and praising God in Christ; rising from the table of divine bounties, and thanking the great Master of the feast. Pause, my soul, and see whether, in the past month, such hath been thine experience of sovereign grace and unmerited mercies, that thou canst now set up thine Ebenezer, and mark this day for a memorial. What visits hath Jesus made to thee, my soul; and how hath thine heart been drawn out after him? Hath the Father, as well as the Son, come and made his abode with thee? Hath the Holy…