20 Bible Doctrine – What Does Lapsarianism Mean?
A Transcript Of The Video Study In our previous study, I held forth, what is sometimes called, the Supralapsarian view of the Father’s electing love. For this study, I would like to speak on this subject at more length. If we remove the prefix of the word, then we are left with lapsarian. The Latin term “lapsus” means “to fall”, from which we get our English word lapse, referring to a fall or failure to maintain some standard. For instance, you might say, “I had a lapse in memory.” Or, “I lapsed behind when I went for a walk with my family.” Well, when the label Lapsarianism is used in a theological context, it is speaking about the decree of God in election as it…
For Whom Should We Pray?
Private prayer is by definition a personal activity. It is the soul speaking with God. It is coming into a spiritual communication, through the mediation of the Holy Spirit, with our heavenly Father. A believer approaches God upon the ground of Christ’s cleansing blood and justifying righteousness. No other acceptance is possible. No other qualification is necessary. Holiness must meet holiness (1 Corinthians 2:14). When we come to God in private prayer there need be no constraints, procedures or predefined pattern for our approach. We do not have to pray in a special place, kneel, stand or sit down, to be heard. There are no special words that must be used or formulas to follow. Vain repetition is not prayer, we do not need beads.…
Divine Sovereignty And Human Responsibility
Jared Smith's response to Roy Hargrave's arguments against Hyper Calvinism. Part one of two studies. The second study is called, "Is Hyper Calvinism A False Gospel?" The Arminians believe it is the SPIRITUAL duty of the unregenerate to savingly believe on Christ, as they have the inherent ABILITY to exercise saving faith which results in the new birth. The Low and Moderate Calvinists do not believe it is the spiritual duty of unregenerate sinners to savingly believe on Christ, as they are dead in trespasses and sins and therefore do not have the inherent ability to savingly believe on Christ. However, they do believe it remains the MORAL duty of the unregenerate to savingly believe on Christ, because one's inability to exercise saving faith does…
Should It Be So?
A Sermon Preached By John E. Hazelton When His Only Son Died, August 1st, 1909 "Should it be according to thy mind?”—Job 34:33 The Book of Leviticus contains a series of very blessed illustrations of the Gospel of our God, of the Person and of the work of the Lord Jesus Christ. When we are enabled prayerfully to read it with a spiritual eye, by the side of the gospel as recorded in the New Testament, and in the light of the Epistle to the Hebrews, we are favoured to become somewhat instructed in the things that make for our eternal peace. It is Jehovah Himself who is speaking in nearly every verse in this book. I would draw your attention first, ere we pass…
18 Bible Doctrine – How Does Paul’s Teaching In Romans 9 Align With God The Father’s Role In Salvation?
A Transcript Of The Video Study In our previous study, I unfolded for you the structure of Paul’s letter to the Romans. It was my purpose to show you how Paul’s teaching in Romans 9 fits into the letter as a whole. Well, I pointed out that there are four main sections to the letter. It opens with an introduction (1:1-17) and closes with a conclusion (15:14-16:27). In between are the two main sections—First, Paul explains why sinners are under condemnation (1:18-3:18); Second, he explains how sinners are secured salvation (3:19-15:13). Now, with reference to God securing salvation for sinners, there are a further four sections to the letter—the role of God the Son in the work of salvation (3:19-5:21); this is connected with the…
The Glory Of God Received And Reflected
A Sermon Preached By Mr. Hazelton, At Mount Zion Chapel, Chadwell Street, Clerkenwell, On Lord’s-Day Evening, 31st January, 1875. “And his glory shall be seen upon thee.”—Isaiah 60:2 The manifestations of the Lord Jesus Christ to his church have been various, progressive in clearness, and continual. In the first place, he manifested himself for the most part in connection with types and shadows: the sacrifices which Abel offered, the ark which Noah built, and the sacrifices which Abraham offered, were typical of the Lord Jesus; and in some respects also Isaac was a type of his father’s seed, Saviour, and Lord. David also was a type of the Lord Jesus Christ, as were also Aaron and the Jewish high priests; and thus under the Old…