• The Gospel Standard

    Who Is A God Like Unto Our God?

    Gospel Standard Magazine No. 237 — September 1, 1855 —Vol. 21, Pages 283,284 Dear Friend,—I was glad to hear from you and learn something of your estate: to hear that the good hand of the Lord was upon you as well as upon many others of the chosen race, the instructed, corrected, and quickened family of the Almighty. I am tolerably well, better than I deserve to be. I am a great debtor to the great Creditor, and have no hope to stand before him with acceptance only in and through the great Surety and his great and all-sufficient satisfaction, and receive a forgiveness of all my debts out of the love and mercy of the Creditor and Surety, revealed, brought home and applied unto…

  • William Styles, A Guide To Church Fellowship (Complete)

    Article 2 – The Blessed Trinity In Unity

    Articles Of The Faith And Order Of A Primitive Or Strict And Particular Baptist Church Of The Lord Jesus Christ, Based On The Declaration Of Faith And Practice Of John Gill, D. D., 1720 II. The Blessed Trinity in Unity. We believe that there is one living and true God,[1] the Creator and Upholder of all things,[2] and that there are three eternal Persons in the Godhead, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, who are equal in nature, power and glory,[3] and that the Son and the Holy Ghost are as truly and properly God as the Father.[4] ------------------------------- [1] Deut 6:4; 5:26; Jn 18:3; 1 Thess 1:9; 1 Tim 2:5; Js 2:19 [2] Gen 1:1; Ex 20:11; Job 7:20; Jn 1:3; Acts…

  • Robert Hawker's Poor Man's Morning Portions

    December 7—Morning Devotion

    "And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us."—John 4:16 Who hath known, and believed, in terms equal to the greatness of the mercy itself, the love of God to the poor sinner! God's love must be an infinite love, and consequently the display of it must be infinite also. God, we are told, " Commendeth his love to us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Had God loved and delighted in saints that loved him, this would have been love. Had God taken the holy angels into a nearer acquaintance with him, this would have been love. But when he raised beggars from the dunghill, and took rebels from the prison to sit upon his…

  • Peter Meney on Doctrinal Matters

    The God Who Is And The God Who Gives

    Three times in Romans 15 the Apostle Paul draws our attention to the character and attributes of our glorious Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ with descriptive titles to comfort and encourage the church. Our Great Redeemer is called ‘the God of patience and consolation’, ‘the God of hope’ and ‘the God of peace’ (vv. 5, 13, 33). How blessed we are that God the Holy Spirit should leave us these wonderful descriptions of the Godhead as reminders and tokens of God’s love and grace for His people. Our blessed Saviour is both the source of these graces and the dispenser. Our Great Provider is Himself patient and teaches patience to His people. He is trustworthy and faithful and teaches His people to hope and trust…

  • Peter Meney on Doctrinal Matters

    The Love Of God

    The love of God is the highest, most exalted thought ever to enter the human mind. Of all the perfect attributes of the eternal, infinite Being revealed to mankind what is more wonderful than God’s love? What greater privilege than to receive it? What fuller joy than to experience it? The love of God amazed the prophets and thrilled the apostles. Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah and David all speak of God’s love in glorious terms. Peter, John and Paul describe divine love in the finest language. All testify of its transcendent nature and unequalled blessedness. To know, to taste the love of God is to possess the fulness of divine grace and the promise of heavenly glory, for the love of God is the companion of…