• William Gadsby's Letters (Complete)

    None Like The God Of Jeshurun

    My dear Friend in the glorious Head of the Church,—I received your epistle, and am greatly obliged to you for it. I was sorry to learn that our dear brother Martin was so ill, but much pleased and profited to find that our blessed Lord so sweetly and powerfully supported his mind. Indeed, in very deed, there is no God like the God of Jeshurun. None can save like him; none can succour, comfort, and support like him; no, nor can any one give timely reproof like him. Through the rich aboundings of his matchless grace, I have in thousands of instances proved him to be a very present help in time of trouble; yea, and have proved his very reproofs to be mercies. Our…

  • William Gadsby's Letters (Complete)

    Thy Love Is Better Than Wine

    Manchester, November 1830 My dear Friends,—I received your very kind letter, for which I am thankful. I assure you it often affords me pleasure to find that I have a place in the hearts of God's dear family; for, next to union with my dear Lord and Master, I esteem union to his blood-bought, heaven bound family. Among the blessings in which your soul delights you have also your sorrows; for both of which may you be thankful, since they are all tokens of our dear Lord's love, and a proof that he has not forgotten you. “The lot is cast into the lap, but the whole disposal thereof is of the Lord.” These are eventful times, but the dear children of God have no…

  • William Gadsby Sermons (Complete)

    11. The Love Of God

    “Because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.”—Romans 5:5 A Sermon Preached By William Gadsby, July 3rd, 1836. The love of God! Whenever we venture on a subject of such importance, we venture on a profound deep. There is a love which God, as the God of nature, bears to creation as the work of his own hands; for he saw that it was very good. But the love of God, as shed abroad in the heart of a believer, as far exceeds it as heaven exceeds earth. God's love, as a covenant God, the love of each glorious Person in the Trinity, was fixed on his people, without any reason assigned for…

  • William Gadsby Sermons (Complete)

    27 The Foundation Of God Standeth Sure

    “The foundation of God standeth sure; having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his.”—2 Timothy 2:19 A foundation is the basis of an edifice. Hence, when you build, you must have a foundation; and if you intend your building to stand, it must be a sure, a safe, and a sound foundation,— immovable. Then will your building be strong. The man's house built upon a rock stood secure against storm and tempest; but the man who built his house upon the sand, when the floods came, and the winds blew, the house fell; and great was the fall thereof. How many in our day build upon an unsound foundation, that will not stand the blast of poverty, the power of temptation, or the…

  • William Gadsby Sermons (Complete)

    36 God Is Love

    “God is love.”—1 John 4:8,16 Beloved of the Lord,—It is your blessedness to prove, by the divine teaching of God the Holy Ghost, that God is Love,—eternal, immutable love. This precious truth you will not deny; but then you may often struggle under very deep depression of spirit and heartrending groans, lest you should not be interested in this glorious Three-One God of love. It is not enough for you to hear that God is love, nor to believe it as a most blessed truth, nor to say he loved David, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Paul, &c., nor to look round you and say, concerning others, he loved them, or, he loved you, or, he loved thee. No; your heart thirsts to say, feelingly to say, he…

  • William Gadsby Sermons (Complete)

    38 The Faithful God

    “The faithful God.”—Deuteronomy 7:1 With what inexpressible satisfaction can the people of God sit at the feet of Jehovah, who is all holiness and purity and greatness; for what a ground of contentment it is to them to have this God as their faithful God; not merely believing it in their judgment, but feeling the truth in their hearts, that he is the faithful God. This couches in it many particulars, a few of which we will notice; the promises expected from him—his power, his covenant engagements. God is faithful in the relationship he bears to his church. In what relation, let us ask ourselves, do we stand to this faithful God? He is our Creator and Preserver. Nothing is left by him in a…