• William Gadsby Sermons (Complete)

    28 A Rest For The People Of God

    A Sermon Preached By William Gadsby In A Village Near Ely. “There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.”—Hebrews 4:9 The whole human race is comprised in two descriptions of people, viz., the people of God's election, and the people of God's curse, against whom he hath indignation for ever. A solemn line of demarcation is made between these two classes by God himself, and it is as impossible for a soul to pass this line as it is for God to cease to exist. The first thing which the child of God is brought to feel is as contrary to “rest” as hell is to heaven. But the hypocrite may and does walk and live in error and sin, until he sinks…

  • William Gadsby Sermons (Complete)

    57 Zion, The City Of Solemnities

    “Look upon Zion, the city of solemnities.”—Isaiah 33:29 Without making any remarks upon the context, I shall immediately begin with the passage read as a text; and in doing so I do not intend to say anything upon Zion literally, but shall speak to you of Zion in a spiritual sense; and I mean, so far as the Lord shall be graciously pleased to direct and enable me, to show, I. What is intended by Zion. II. Why called a city. III. Point out the way into this city. IV. Endeavour to describe a true citizen. V. Dwell a little upon the solemnities of this city. VI. Show the blessedness of looking, by a vital faith, upon it. I. By Zion I understand the real…