• William Gadsby's Catechism (Complete)

    Gadsby’s Catechism

    Q. 1. Who is the only self-existent Being? A. God is the only self-existent Being. (Ex 3:14; Ps 90:2; Is 45:5, 22; Jn 8:58) Q. 2. Ought everyone to believe that there is a God? A. Everyone ought to believe that there is a God, and it is their great sin and folly who do not. (Ps 9:17; Ecc 12:13; Mk 16:16; Jn 8:24 & 16:8-9; 2 Thess 2:11-12) Q. 3. How may we know that there is a God? A. The works of creation and providence plainly declare that there is a God, but His Word and Spirit only do it effectually to the salvation of His people. (Job 38 & 39; Ps 19; Jn 16:8-14 & 17:8; 1 Cor 2:10) Q. 4. What…