• John Brine Sermons

    The Covenant Of Grace Opened

    “Although my House be not so with God, yet he hath made with me an everlasting Covenant, ordered in all things, and sure: For this is all my salvation, and all my desire, although he make it not to grow.”—2 Samuel 23:5 It has pleased God, the Sovereign Disposer of all things, to remove by death an honorable member of this community to whom these words were very useful and instructive: for which reason she desired they might be publicly improved after her decease, with a view to the edification of the saints and conversion of sinners. They are some of the last words which David spoke, as we are informed, in the first verse of the chapter; that is, the last which he spoke…

  • Edward Blackstock

    A Discourse On The Covenant Of Grace

    Some months ago, I was for a short time supplying at York-Street Chapel, in Leicester. Upon one occasion, I spoke there from Psalm 89:34. After the service, a particular friend of mine said the discourse had been profitable to him, and earnestly requested me to write the substance of it when I had leisure, and let him have what I had written, when, with my permission, he would have it published for me. I consented to his kind proposal, and have attended to it as well as I was able. This is what has brought this little piece before the public. Should it be found to contain any doctrinal errors or unscriptural notions, I do not wish any man to spare them; yet I crave…

  • Alfred Hewlett

    Vessels Of Wrath And Vessels Of Mercy

    I would beg to acquaint the Christian Reader of the following pages, that I preached the Sermons of which they form the substance, at the particular request of some brethren in the Lord, who were de­sirous of hearing a scriptural exposition of these verses. I bless God that I have been enabled to study, preach, and send forth my discourses in a spirit of prayer and submission, as opposite to my natural dispo­sition as light is to darkness. My reasons for printing are, a desire to he useful to the people of God, and to prevent perversion and misre­presentation; or, at all events, by printing as nearly as possible, the positions, assertions, and expressions, proved and made use of, to afford all an opportunity of…

  • William Krause

    A Complete And Certain Salvation

    “The Lord God will help Me, therefore shall I not be confounded; therefore have I set My face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed.”—Isaiah 50:7 These surely, brethren, are not the words of the pro­phet Isaiah concerning himself; for, if we look at the context, we find the work of the Lord Jesus set before us in such words as these: “The Lord God hath opened mine ear, and I was not rebellious, neither turned away back. I gave my back to the smiters, and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair: I hid not my face from shame and spitting.” I need scarcely tell you of whom the prophet spake in these words. We have in…

  • Edward Mitchell,  Featured

    The New Covenant

    A covenant means a contract, compact, arrangement between two or more persons. As employed by God it denotes the methods and terms in which He deals with men. He brought Israel out of Egypt by His outstretched arm, and entered into a covenant with them at Sinai. In our text He promises to enter into another arrangement with His people of a different nature to that made at Sinai, which they had broken. An understanding of this covenant, and an interest in it, are matters of paramount importance. It is denominated “a new covenant.” This refers to the date of its publication, otherwise it existed before the other covenant. As Kent sings:— " This cov'nant stood ere time began, That God with men might dwell;…

  • Jared Smith's Studies In Romans

    Study 9: Justification Explained, By Redeeming Grace (3:19-31)

    This recording picked up two audio sources resulting in an echo effect. Jared hopes the listener/watcher will forebear the unpleasant sound in view of benefitting from the teachings. This study begins a new section in Paul's letter to the Romans—How Are Sinners Secured Salvation By God? Paul divides his answer under four headings, unfolding the various roles assumed by the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit under the terms and promises of the gracious covenant. He begins in (3:19-5:21) with the role of God the Son, in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. This study examines Paul's explanation on the central message of the gracious covenant—justified freely by the Father's grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus (3:19-31).