• A. E. Realff

    The Gracious Invitations Of Our Lord

    “Incline your ear, and come unto Me: hear, and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David.”—Isaiah 55:3 In this chapter we have set forth God's call to Gentile nations, as is evident from the fifth verse. In opening our text, may the Lord grant us His manifest presence and aid, while we consider— I. THE CHARACTER ADDRESSED.—All Scripture invitations are to character. It is not everybody indiscriminately who is invited to partake of Gospel privileges; but certain individuals are, whose characters are described in the invitation. Thus, when the Saviour says, "Come unto Me,'' He addresses the weary and heavy laden; and, when He describes those He came to call, He says, "Not…

  • Thomas Hull

    The Everlasting Covenant

    The things of the "everlasting covenant'' are stable things, for they are eternal; and these everlasting things are, to the people of God, precious things, because they are things connected with their salvation. They are loved with the everlasting love of God. They inherit the everlasting blessing; and, as they are interested in the everlasting covenant, they also have an everlasting inheritance, for their inheritance is the everlasting God. When these things are felt in the heart, they are found to be comfortable things in the case of all, the foundation of whose hope is the Lord Jesus, who is, as the promise runs, "A Stone, a tried Stone, a precious Corner-Stone, a sure Foundation," against which the gates of hell cannot prevail. And the…

  • Jared Smith's Studies In Romans

    Study 10: Review Of The First Three Chapters

    I began the series with a general overview of the structure and framework of the book. The letter may be divided into four main sections: Sandwiched between an introduction (1:1-17) and a conclusion (15:14-16:27), there are two central questions the Apostle answers. First, why are sinners under the condemnation of God? This is answered in (1:18-3:18), with Paul explaining how the human race comes into the world under the authority of the covenant of works, and therefore made subject to the law inscribed upon their hearts, which was a blessing to Adam and Eve before the Fall, but is now a curse to all transgressors. He shows how the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who stand…

  • John Brine Sermons

    The Covenant Of Grace Opened

    “Although my House be not so with God, yet he hath made with me an everlasting Covenant, ordered in all things, and sure: For this is all my salvation, and all my desire, although he make it not to grow.”—2 Samuel 23:5 It has pleased God, the Sovereign Disposer of all things, to remove by death an honorable member of this community to whom these words were very useful and instructive: for which reason she desired they might be publicly improved after her decease, with a view to the edification of the saints and conversion of sinners. They are some of the last words which David spoke, as we are informed, in the first verse of the chapter; that is, the last which he spoke…

  • Edward Blackstock

    A Discourse On The Covenant Of Grace

    Some months ago, I was for a short time supplying at York-Street Chapel, in Leicester. Upon one occasion, I spoke there from Psalm 89:34. After the service, a particular friend of mine said the discourse had been profitable to him, and earnestly requested me to write the substance of it when I had leisure, and let him have what I had written, when, with my permission, he would have it published for me. I consented to his kind proposal, and have attended to it as well as I was able. This is what has brought this little piece before the public. Should it be found to contain any doctrinal errors or unscriptural notions, I do not wish any man to spare them; yet I crave…

  • Alfred Hewlett

    Vessels Of Wrath And Vessels Of Mercy

    I would beg to acquaint the Christian Reader of the following pages, that I preached the Sermons of which they form the substance, at the particular request of some brethren in the Lord, who were de­sirous of hearing a scriptural exposition of these verses. I bless God that I have been enabled to study, preach, and send forth my discourses in a spirit of prayer and submission, as opposite to my natural dispo­sition as light is to darkness. My reasons for printing are, a desire to he useful to the people of God, and to prevent perversion and misre­presentation; or, at all events, by printing as nearly as possible, the positions, assertions, and expressions, proved and made use of, to afford all an opportunity of…