• Jared Smith's Sermons

    Common Grace

    Some of the points covered in this sermon: • The correct view of common grace as it relates to creation • The false view of common grace as it has been appropriated to redemption • The false view of “Christ’s atonement sufficient for all, but efficient to those who believe” • The false view of a twofold atonement—one that is potential, hypothetical and passive; the other that is actual, real and active • The heresy of decisional regeneration—sinner’s prayer, altar calls, etc. • The heresy of duty-faith—that it is the saving and/or moral duty of the unregenerate to believe on Christ • The heresy of the free-offer—that the gift of God in Christ must be offered to the unregenerate, that they may have the opportunity…

  • Jared Smith's Sermons

    God’s Dealings

    Some of the points covered in this sermon: • The several ways God dealt with Cain, an unregenerate and non-elect individual • The twofold purpose of God for members of the human race • The fallacy of viewing the human race under a single purpose of God • The fallacy of duty-faith, based on God’s dealings with Cain • The fallacy of the free-offer, based on God’s dealings with Cain • The fallacy of modern preachers, believing themselves wiser than God when dealing with sinners and handling His gospel • The essential value of the non-elect, demonstrated by Cain and affirmed by Romans 9, Luke 12, Luke 16 and Ecclesiastes 11 • The encouragement to think rightly about the unregenerate, especially those numbered among God’s…

  • Jared Smith's Sermons

    The Framework Of The Gospel

    This study is accompanied by a fill-in-the-blank handout. The diagram is known as the Framework of Sovereign Grace, the teachings of which are based upon Paul's analogy of a potter and the clay, recorded in Romans 9:21-23 and 2 Timothy 2:20. This framework was diagramed by Jared Smith and has become the basis for his teaching ministry.

  • Jared Smith's Sermons

    The Gospel Of Sovereign Grace

    Some of the points covered in this sermon: • The twofold division of the New Testament books • The trio of gospel truth according to the first four Epistles of the New Testament • A basic outline of Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians • Highlighting a few things about the true gospel preached by Paul • Highlighting a few things about the false gospel preached by others • Highlighting a few things about the regenerate sinners in Galatia • The meaning of the term ‘gospel’ • Identifying the meaning of the gospel based on Isaiah 52 and Romans 10 • Identifying the message of the gospel based on 1 Peter 1:2 • Explaining the threefold message of the gospel—electing love of God the Father, redeeming…

  • Jared Smith's Sermons

    Election And Reprobation (3)

    This sermon is the continuation of the previous study which sought to affirm the doctrine of election. The following points are addressed: • The person who taught the Apostle Paul about the analogy of the potter and the clay • The Covenant of Grace is identified by the analogy of vessels • Justification and redemption are founded upon the doctrine of election • Israel as a nation (under the Mosaic Covenant) is an object lesson of God’s elect people under the Covenant of Grace • Election is according to the good pleasure of God the Father’s will, to the praise of the glory of His grace • Election includes the believer’s sanctification (growth in grace) • Election guarantees regeneration, without which no sinner can see…

  • Jared Smith's Sermons

    Election And Reprobation (2)

    This study addresses the following points: • A review on the framework of God the Father’s blueprint for the ages—this framework sets forth the Supralapsarian view of God’s decree. The term Supralapsarian means, “Supra” (before), “laps” (the fall), “arian” (an advocate). It refers to the logical order of God’s eternal decree, and those who subscribe to it. • Linking the “respect” God had for Abel in Genesis 4 with the “vessels of honor” in Romans 9; and connecting the “non-respect” God had towards Cain with the “vessels of dishonor” in Romans 9 • Affirming the doctrine of reprobation based on the teachings of Jeremiah, Paul and Jude • Affirming the doctrine of election based on the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ