63 The Covenants Have Separate Natures And Must Be Kept Distinct
Fifth, the fact that the above three covenant economies are recorded and set forth in the word of God, I suppose no Bible reader will for one moment pretend to dispute; but it is their perfectly distinct and separate nature and constitution, and the fact that the Lord himself and his servants by his commission through the sacred scriptures, do on the respective premises of these covenants, use a mode of language and expression peculiar to that covenant upon the premises of which the discourse, address, or words are delivered; that as these covenants can never be made to be all one and the same thing in their nature and constitution, so the language of the one, can never in form be applied to the…
God Sent Forth His Son
Some of the points covered in this teaching video: December 25th evokes a reflection on the birth of Jesus, otherwise known as the incarnation of the Son of God. For this reason, an expositional commentary is given on Galatians 4:4-7: ”But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father. Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.”
The 1646 Westminster Confession Of Faith, Article 7, Paragraphs 2&3: ”The first covenant made with man was a covenant of works, wherein life was promised to Adam, and in him to his posterity, upon condition of perfect and personal obedience. Man by his fall having made himself incapable of life by that covenant, the Lord was pleased to make a second, commonly called the covenant of grace: wherein he freely offered unto sinners life and salvation by Jesus Christ, requiring of them faith in him that they may be saved, and promising to give unto all those that are ordained unto life his Holy Spirit, to make them willing and able to believe.” The 1689 Second London Baptist Confession Of Faith, Article 7, Paragraph 1:…
Chapter 1 – Identifying The Covenant Of Grace
Beloved, This Covenant was Primarily made with Jesus Christ, the Second Person of the blessed Trinity, as Mediator, and as the Root, common Head and Representative of all the Elect, or all that the Father hath given to Christ, we read of Two Covenants, an Old, and a New, a First, and a Second, a Covenant of Works, and a Covenant of Grace. The First Covenant was made with the First Adam, for himself and his Posterity, as the common Head of all Mankind, and so also there was a Covenant made with the Second Adam for himself, and all those chosen in him, or all his Seed; and though this Covenant (as to Revelation of it) is called the Second Covenant, yet it was…
Chapter 2 – Describing The Covenant Of Grace
2dly. I shall open the Excellent Nature of this Glorious and Everlasting Covenant. 1. 'Tis, you have heard, all of Grace, as it respecteth us, tho' Jesus Christ paid dear for it; he procured all the Blessings of it for us, by his Merits, i. e. by his Perfect Obedience and Suffering: By Grace ye are saved through Faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the Gift of God, Eph. 2.8. not of Works; lest any man should boast: for we are his Workmanship created in Christ Jesus to good Works, v. 10. not by Works of Righteousness that we have done, but by his Mercy he saved us, Tit. 3.5. 2. 'Tis as it appears from hence, an Absolute, and not a Conditional…
Chapter 3 – Prioritizing The Covenant Of Grace
Thirdly, I shall shew you how this Covenant is all the Hope, Desire, Salvation and Consolation of every True Believer in Life and Death. By what I have already said, all may perceive how, or which way, all their Salvation and Comfort lies in this Covenant, so that I need say but little to this. But to proceed. 1. 'Tis all our Hope, Desire, Salvation and Consolation; because this Covenant was the Contrivance of the Infinite Wisdom of God, the Top Glory of all his Transactions, for, and in the behalf of Man from all Eter∣nity: Nay, such manifold Wisdom, such depth of Wisdom shines forth in it, that the glorious Angels desir'd to pry into it, 1 Pet. 1.12. the Word signifies (as our…