The Everlasting Gospel
These are three extremely well-known words. They have become almost part of our spiritual vocabulary, and often in prayer or in preaching or in conversation when the gospel is referred to, it is referred to as “the everlasting gospel.” Now this is a strange place to find these beautiful words, Revelation chapter 14. Mind you, there are some very beautiful things concerning Christ in this chapter, but really the theme is the downfall of Babylon, signifying all the power and influence of the world which lieth in the wicked one. Mysteriously, we are told that it was an angel here having “the everlasting gospel” to preach. How often have you heard from our pulpits and our ministers that God never sent angels to preach, that…
The Everlasting Covenant Of Peace
The absolute promises of our gracious Lord are the foundation of faith, the encouragement of hope, the excitement of love, the source of comfort, and the spring of true holiness. Why then are not the children of faith always joyful in hope, ever comfortable in love, and constantly happy in the way of holiness? Truly, because an enemy hath sown the tares of unbelief in our nature. This evil root of bitterness continually springs up, and troubles us. It bears the most base, dishonourable fruit, respecting our God; and is most hurtful and poisonous to our souls. Little reason have we to nourish or to strengthen this degenerate plant, with the corrupt notion of those who deny God’s covenant love and faithfulness, and dare teach…
15 Popular Misconceptions About The Church
I’d like to welcome you back for another study in the Word of God. We continue our series of studies on the biblical covenants. And if you remember from our previous study, I began to tackle a subject which is shrouded with confusion. It's the meaning and distinctions of three biblical terms—the elect, Israel and the church. I'd like to speak to you in this study on the subject of Israel and the church.
14 Israel And The Church
I’d like to welcome you back for another study in the Word of God. We continue our series of studies on the biblical covenants. And if you remember from our previous study, I began to tackle a subject which is shrouded with confusion. It's the meaning and distinctions of three biblical terms—the elect, Israel and the church. I'd like to speak to you in this study on the subject of Israel and the church.
13 Israel And The Elect
I’d like to welcome you back for another study in the Word of God. We come again to our series of studies on the biblical covenants. In the previous studies, I have given to you my understanding of the biblical covenants and how they're arranged. And now as we come to the tail end of the series, there's a couple of more studies I want to bring to you. And I’d like to deal with the subject that's shrouded with confusion. It's the subject of Israel, the elect and the church. Now these three terms are among the most common labels recorded in the scriptures. And to say there's a fierce controversy between the various groups of Christians over their meaning would be an understatement.
12 Comparative Views On The New Covenant
I’d like to welcome you back for another study in the Word of God. We come again to the series of studies on the biblical covenants. And for this study I’d like to take a look at some comparative views on the New Covenant. Allow me to begin by reading for you a text of scripture. I've selected Hebrews chapter 13. I’d like to begin reading for you in verse 20. Hebrews chapter 13 and verse 20. The Apostle Paul wrote—“Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, Make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is wellpleasing…