Paul’s Systematic Theology
The Believer’s Golden Chain
By the Hand, in this plate, is represented the eternal purposes, sovereign grace, and almighty power of God, exemplified in the salvation of sinners. 1 Chron. 29:12, "Both riches and honour come of thee, and thou reignest over all; and in thine hand is power and might; and in thine hand it is to make great, and to give strength unto all." Isaiah 41:10, "Fear thou not, for I am with thee; be not dismayed, for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness." John 10:28, 29, 30, "And I give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish ; neither shall any man pluck them out…
Book 3: The Argument, The Mode Of Obtaining The Grace Of Christ. The Benefits It Confers, And The Effects Resulting From It
The two former Books treated of God the Creator and Redeemer. This Book, which contains a full exposition of the Third Part of the Apostles’ Creed, treats of the mode of procuring the grace of Christ, the benefits which we derive and the effects which follow from it, or of the operations of the Holy Spirit in regard to our salvation. The subject is comprehended under seven principal heads, which almost all point to the same end, namely, the doctrine of faith. I. As it is by the secret and special operation of the Holy Spirit that we enjoy Christ and all his benefits, the First Chapter treats of this operation, which is the foundation of faith, new life, and all holy exercises. II. Faith…
Letter 6: To Zadok—On Justification
I know not a question of greater moment to a trembling sinner, than that which the Holy Spirit directed Job to propose, “how shall man be just with God?” And as I am persuaded of your solicitude to decide this question for yourself I write this epistle, with the hope of affording you a little assistance. In order to place the subject in a clear light it is necessary to premise, that the state of mankind is a state of condemnation— that human nature has sunk into total ruin and depravity— and that “sin has entered into the world, and death by sin, so that death hath passed upon all men:” these are facts which I trust you have not only admitted as important articles…
Letter 5: To Zebah—On Atonement
The subject on which I am about to offer you a few remarks, has been dear to the heart of every Christian in all ages; it is the glory of the gospel scheme, and shall constitute our song in the realms of bliss; it is therefore desirable, that your mind should be well informed upon it, and deeply affected with it. Throughout the mosaic economy, the doctrine of atonement was set forth in lively colours by the bleeding victims on the Jewish altar. Prophets spake of it in the most unequivocal terms, and apostles asserted it as the fundamental article of Christianity; yea, the exclamation of John, “behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world,” was but the echo of…
Letter 4: To Berith—On The Covenant Of Grace
My dear Berith, The conspicuous change which has been effected in you, by the grace of God, affords me peculiar satisfaction, and begets in my mind, an anxiety for the increase and permanency of those pleasures of which you have already tasted; and with this object in view, allow me to lead your attention to the inexhaustible treasure, whence all spiritual blessings are derived; even the COVENANT OF GRACE. “Be ye always mindful of his covenant” is the express command of Jehovah to his people, by his servant David; and if my dear young friend were fully aware of the advantage arising from habitual appropriation of the covenant plentitude, and holy communion with the covenant head, the constant cry of his heart would be “Lord…