Why So Particular?
To be described as being particular about things is not always a compliment. In fact it is sometimes used as a polite put down as much as to say, ‘He’s very fussy’, or ‘She’s hard to please’. This is often the impression given when some Christians, usually Baptists, describe themselves as ‘Strict and Particular’. One can imagine someone new to the phrase wincing slightly at the expression. The picture of an austere old aunt or a disciplinarian teacher might spring to mind. Hair combed, laces tied and sitting quietly. Overly strict and very particular. Strict Of course the real meaning of the term is quite different and has more to do with the historical development of theology in certain churches. Congregations who practise strict communion…
15 Bible Doctrine – What Is The Framework Of Sovereign Grace?
A Transcript Of The Video Study The Framework Of Sovereign Grace is a diagram I drew up many years ago in an attempt to illustrate God’s masterplan for the ages. It has actually become the backdrop for my entire teaching ministry, as it broadly outlines the basic parameters of Bible doctrine. In fact, it is within the context of this framework that all fields of knowledge, or departments of academic disciplines, may be understood from a biblical perspective, and therefore this framework serves as the basic construct around which one may develop his/her worldview. For this study, I would like to explain how the Framework of Sovereign Grace was formed. The diagram is based upon a single analogy, used by the Apostle Paul, in Romans…
14 Bible Doctrine – How Did Timothy Formulate His Framework Of Doctrine?
A Transcript Of The Video Study In our previous study, I pressed upon you the importance of creating your own diagram of the way you understand the framework of doctrine. I explained that if you are to receive the most benefit from this series of studies, then you must approach these teachings as a participant in the learning process. You should come at these teachings from the baseline of knowing what you believe and why you believe it. From that starting point, your job is to compare what I say with what you believe, and consider whether your understanding of the truth consistently aligns with the Word of God. Now, if you have never created a diagram for your framework of doctrine, you may be…
Here We Stand
New Focus Magazine is purposefully and plainly a sovereign grace publication. We seek with every edition to uphold, explain, promote and preach the message of God’s free grace in Christ and the absolute necessity of divine power to initiate, apply and secure the salvation of sinners. We do not look to man to save himself for we know he cannot. We do not appeal to men to save themselves for we know they cannot. We believe God’s grace alone can save a soul, and we try to say it clearly. This means we have no time for the teaching that man has a freewill with which to accept or reject God’s offer of salvation. We do not believe God has saving love for everyone, nor…
13 Bible Doctrine – Have I Diagramed My Framework Of Doctrine?
A Transcript Of The Video Study In our previous studies, I have shown you a few examples of the way Arminians have diagramed their framework of doctrine. We looked at the Romans Road, the Gospel Bridge and the Dispensational Timeframe. I have also shown you some examples of the way Calvinists have diagramed their framework of doctrine. We looked at Perkins and Bunyan’s theological charts. But I wonder, have you ever diagramed your framework of teachings? Thus far, you have been able to follow this series of studies from the sideline, as it were. I have applied very little pressure for you to become a participant in these teachings. But all of that changes from this study forward. We are not now concerned with what…
12 Bible Doctrine – Have Calvinists Diagramed Their Framework Of Doctrine?
A Transcript Of The Video Study Yes, many Calvinists have attempted to illustrate the way in which they understand the framework of sovereign grace. For this study, I would like to show you two of the more well known diagrams, both of which were produced more than three hundred years ago. The first was drawn up by a man named William Perkins. 1. William Perkins (1558–1602) William Perkins was a student and then professor at Cambridge University. He became one of the leading Puritans in the Church of England during the Elizabethan era. His writings gained such popularity that they even surpassed the sales of John Calvin. He wrote almost 50 books, which is quite an achievement, considering he died at the early age of…