Bible Reading – Navigational Tools
The diagrams below are designed to serve as navigational tools as you journey through the books of the Bible. The Chronological Charts Of Bible Books are historic overviews, whereas the Framework Of Sovereign Grace is a theological overview. The chronological charts explain where the books of the Bible fit within a historical context; the framework explains how the books of the Bible are relevant for today. I recommend both sets of diagrams be used when reading through the books of the Bible. The diagrams may be downloaded, which will not only make them more accessible, but will also allow the size of the text to be increased. The Chronological Charts Of Bible Books The Framework Of Sovereign Grace
11 Bible Reading – Are There Any Navigational Tools That May Guide Me On My Journey Through The Bible?
A Transcript Of The Video Study Navigational tools, such as a map and compass, are used by travelers when taking a journey into an unknown country. Well, I would like to suggest a set of tools which will help navigate your journey through the books of the Bible. The first of these tools is— 1. The Chronological Chart Of Bible Books. As you know from our first study in this series on Bible Reading, the books of the Bible are not listed in chronological order. Rather, they are arranged in a logical order—the first seventeen books of the Old Testament are grouped together as historical books; the last seventeen are prophetical books; and the middle five are experiential books. And then, for the New Testament,…
10 Bible Reading – How Were The Saints Of The Old Testament Saved?
A Transcript Of The Video Study This is a question I have answered several times in previous studies. However, it happens to be a question which seems to linger in the minds of many church goers, especially those who have been influenced by Dispensational teachings. As I pointed out in our previous study, there are many people who view the Old Testament to be a revelation of God’s Law, which sinners were responsible to obey in order to have a relationship with God, whereas they see the New Testament as a revelation of God’s grace where sinners are responsible to believe on Christ in order to have a relationship with God. When those who believe such things are questioned about whether sinners are saved by…
9 Bible Reading – To What Do The Labels “Old Testament” And “New Testament” Refer?
A Transcript Of The Video Study In our previous study, I attempted to show you how the Mosaic Covenant is aligned with the Covenant of Works and the Covenant of Grace. In essence, the Covenant of Works and the Covenant of Grace are the two spiritual and perpetual covenants under which members of the human race are in relationship to and with God. Throughout the course of history, all unregenerate sinners (Jews and Gentiles) are in relationship to God under the authority of the Covenant of Works, whereas all regenerate sinners (Jews and Gentiles) are in relationship with God under the authority of the Covenant of Grace. As for the Mosaic Covenant, it was a national and temporal covenant designed only for the Jewish people…
8 Bible Reading – How Does The Mosaic Covenant Fit Into The Leading Message Of The Bible?
A Transcript Of The Video Study In our previous study, I attempted to explain how the Covenant of Works and the Covenant of Grace differ from the Mosaic Covenant. In my closing statements, I provided an outline for the law which governs each covenant. Under the Covenant of Works, the Heart Law is a twofold law ordained by God for all unregenerate sinners—(1) to love God supremely, and (2) to love one’s neighbor as one’s self. Under the Covenant of Grace, the Gospel Law is ordained by God for all regenerate sinners, which is nothing other than the sinner’s spiritual union with Christ. Under the Mosaic Covenant, the Law of Moses is a threefold law ordained by God for the Jewish people as a nation—(1)…
7 Bible Reading – How Does The Mosaic Covenant Differ From The Covenants Of Works And Grace?
A Transcript Of The Video Study In our previous study, we considered the significance of the covenants God made with Noah, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and how they differ from the Covenants of Works and Grace. In this study, I would like to examine the same topic, but with reference to the covenant God made with Moses, otherwise known as the Mosaic Covenant. We read about this covenant in the book of Exodus, when God organized the Jewish people into a nation. Thereafter, the Mosaic Covenant assumes a prominent position in the Old and New Testament scriptures, for it outlines the parameters around which the Jewish people as a nation were in relationship to God. Remember, the Jewish race began around the year 2000 BC,…