• William Osmond

    The Life And Testimony Of William Osmond

    My Dear Brother Winters,—At the request of several of my friends in Christ, I have endeavoured to give a short relation of the Lord's dealings with me in Providence and grace until the present time. I have been told that I was born in Bermondsey, about a mile from London Bridge, June 26, 1825, and before I had attained the age of three years, God's goodness and special mercy were manifested on my behalf. The Lord removed both parents from time to eternity, and they gave no signs of grace; but my mother, a widow, a fortnight before her death, left me with my father's sister, a godly woman, who prayed for me, watched over me, taught me to read the Bible, fed and clothed…

  • Harriet Backler

    The Life And Testimony Of Harriet Backler

    I knew the subject of this notice 37 years ago. I was then at Haver-hill, Suffolk. I saw her at chapel as constantly as the doors were opened, in winter's cold or summer's sunshine. She was then in her 14th year. She was thinly clad, and her shoes hardly kept her feet from the ground. She had a small handkerchief on her shoulders, and wore a thin cotton frock that could never keep her warm, yet nicely clean and tidy. I often made the remark, "That girl, I believe, is one of God's thirsty ones. Surely God has opened her heart as he did Lydia's. I could not get to speak to her at that time. I saw she was an attentive hearer, and sometimes…

  • John Gadsby,  The Gospel Standard

    History Of The “Gospel Standard”

    Before  a man sits down to write a history of any place or thing, he should be quite satisfied on two points: 1, That he is qualified for the work; and, 2, That people in general will believe he is so qualified; otherwise his labour will be in vain. Gibbon wrote "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire;" most ably written, but so tinctured with infidelity that we dare not put it into the hands of our children. Macaulay wrote a "History of England;" one of the most elegantly-written works in the English language; but his Essay on Lord Clive is so marred with partiality and bigotry that we turn from it with disgust. In one place he calls the immortal Huntington "a worthless,…

  • Ann Topp (Davis)

    The Life And Testimony Of Ann Topp (Davis)

    Death. On Aug. 6th, 1868, aged 59, Ann Davis, of Easterton, near Market Lavington, Wilts. She was the eldest daughter of the late Elizabeth Topp, an account of whose experience and death appeared in the "Gospel Standard" in 1854. She was a woman of good experience, and for many years a consistent member of the Baptist church of Lavington. The Lord appears to have begun his good work upon her soul on July, 17th, 1832. Being in the evening of that day in company with a young man, who afterwards became her husband, and seeing her younger sister pass by, going to the chapel to tell what the Lord had done for her soul, previously to coming forward with her mother to be baptized and…

  • Edward Mitchell,  Edward Mote

    The Perfect Man And His Peaceful End

    “Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace.”—Ps. 37:3 "All’s well that ends well." Many things in this life that promise fair miserably disappoint our expectations. Fine mornings not unfrequently end in stormy evenings. Our desire is to end well. We would rather have a rough passage, with a safe entrance into the haven of rest, than never so smooth a voyage, with shipwreck at its close. With Dr. Watts we sing:— "Let cares, like a wild deluge, come,  And storms of sorrow fall; May I but safely reach my home,  My God, my heaven, my all." Our text draws our attention to a man who ends well. Mark this man, for his end is peace. The…

  • Edward Mote

    The Life And Death Of Edward Mote

    By the death of Mr. Edward Mote, which took place on Monday, April 4, 1892, the Church at Chadwell-treet, Clerkenwell, has lost one of its oldest, most loved, esteemed, and useful members. Baptized by Mr. John Hazelton in February, 1856, he had been a member of the Church for just over thirty-six years. In 1877 he was elected deacon, and became the church treasurer in 1879, and retained these offices until his death. Our brother, who was 68 years of age, was in his place at "Chadwell-street "for the last time on Lord's-day evening, January 17, on the occasion of a funeral sermon of a highly-respected member of the Church. He was then far from well. An attack of influenza followed by blood-poisoning, and a…