Beware Of “Christian” Propaganda
I wish to share a simple response to an article I read this afternoon. Under the title, “Benjamin Keach”, the Wikipedia entry begins: “Benjamin Keach (29 February 1640 – 18 July 1704) was an English Reformed Baptist preacher and author whose name was given to Keach's Catechism.” Under the heading, “View History”, the Wikipedia log records that on the 6th April 2023, Editor Wobblygriswold “Tweaked wording from Particular to Reformed, per the title of the relevant Wikipedia page, but defined the term Particular as well in the article.” So, the name Particular is replaced with that of Reformed, based on the definitions given under the Wikipedia page entitled, “Reformed Baptists”. Here is the entry: “Reformed Baptists (sometimes known as Particular Baptists or Calvinistic Baptists) are…
Hyper-Calvinists And The Reformed Baptists
The Strict Baptist Mission was organized in the 1860’s by the English Hyper-Calvinist Strict and Particular Baptist Churches.[1] John Hazelton, a Hyper-Calvinist Strict and Particular Baptist preacher, referred to his support of the Strict Baptist Mission in a sermon dated 4 March 1884: “The kingdom of God is not in word, but in power.” I might just say here, that I believe this kingdom is an aggressive one. Infinite benevolence is associated with it; but whilst it is here, it is in a militant condition. It is by means of His kingdom on the earth that God is spreading abroad the knowledge of Himself. Some of you are aware that I am officially connected with a little Society, called the Strict Baptist Mission, which has…
The Articles Of Faith Of A Strict And Particular Baptist Church
Articles Of The Faith And Order Of A Primitive Or Strict And Particular Baptist Church Of The Lord Jesus Christ, Based On The Declaration Of Faith And Practice Of John Gill, D. D., 1720 Anne Askew, Martyred 1846“I am not she that list My anchor to let fall, For every fleeting mist, My hope’s substantial."Gorge Murrell, St. Neots“I may lose all my friends. Well, be it so, if it is God’s will; but I am determined to go to hevane alone, rather than walk in fellowship with any who repudiate His truth, and decline to obey His commandments.”------------------------------- Introduction: Having been enabled, through Divine grace, to give ourselves to the Lord, and likewise to one another, according to the will of God[1], we count it…
Ten Reasons I Am Not A Reformed Baptist
If one subscribes to sovereign grace with Baptist convictions, it is assumed he/she by default is a Reformed Baptist. It is then assumed a Reformed Baptist is another name for the historic group of churches known as the Particular Baptists. Henceforth, the appellations Reformed and Particular are used interchangeably, the legacy of the latter being subsumed by the identity of the former. However, according to Dr. Kenneth Dix, then Chairman for the Strict Baptist Historical Society, the Reformed Baptist movement emerged during the 1950’s, distinguished by teachings which differ from the Particular Baptists. The Origin Of The Reformed Baptist Movement Dr. Dix traced the origin of the Reformed Baptist movement to September 1955, with the first publication of the Banner of Truth Magazine. This magazine…
Are Reformed Baptists And Particular Baptists One And The Same?
The Reformed Baptists have more in common with Presbyterianism, than their Particular Baptist brethren. Those who believe themselves to be aligned with the history and heritage of the Particular Baptists are either ill informed or historically and doctrinally dishonest. The Particular Baptists emerged in England during the 17th century and continue as a distinct grouping of churches to this day, whereas the Reformed Baptists emerged in England during the 20th century with divergent teachings. The Particular Baptists retain their identity and legacy through historic churches that have never amalgamated with other groups, whereas the Reformed Baptists have either hijacked many of these historic chapels or branded modern churches with the name, thereby seizing that identity and appropriating their legacy. The Particular Baptists sought to distinguish…
The 1646 Westminster Confession Of Faith, Article 7, Paragraphs 2&3: ”The first covenant made with man was a covenant of works, wherein life was promised to Adam, and in him to his posterity, upon condition of perfect and personal obedience. Man by his fall having made himself incapable of life by that covenant, the Lord was pleased to make a second, commonly called the covenant of grace: wherein he freely offered unto sinners life and salvation by Jesus Christ, requiring of them faith in him that they may be saved, and promising to give unto all those that are ordained unto life his Holy Spirit, to make them willing and able to believe.” The 1689 Second London Baptist Confession Of Faith, Article 7, Paragraph 1:…