The Life And Ministry Of William Styles
On a Sunday afternoon in April, a little more than thirty years ago, the Sunday-school at Keppel Street joined the school at Soho in the celebration of their anniversary. An interesting address was given on that occasion by the pastor of Keppel Street Church from Eccl. 12:1-8, which was illustrated by means of a lad whom the speaker had with him in the pulpit. This address was listened to with rapt attention by the children. Such is our earliest recollection of Mr. Styles, who was the preacher that afternoon. Years passed away, and while our friend was pastor at West Hill, the writer settled at Chatham Road. In response to a very kind invitation, we paid a visit to his home, and acquaintance gave way…
The Life And Testimony Of Catherine Little (Tucker)
Death. On the 3rd of February, 1857, at Langport, aged 40, Catherine, the beloved wife of Thos. Tucker. She was awakened to a sense of her sinful state by nature early in the year 1836. For many months she labored under a severe law-work; but the Lord was pleased to deliver her by the application of this portion of Scripture to her soul: "Fear not, I have redeemed thee; I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine." (Isaiah 43:1) Also that in Romans 8:14: "As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God." She was baptized on the 28th of August in the same year, by her beloved father, Mr. J. Little, many years pastor of…
The Life And Testimony Of Mary Little (Hatch)
My dear wife was born March 20th, 1818, in the city of Bristol. When she was about eight years of age, her parents removed to Street, and her father became minister of the Baptist church in that place. Having gracious parents, she was mercifully preserved from the sin and follies of many young persons, besides having the truths of the gospel often set before her. Her mother, who was a gracious woman, was very anxious about the salvation of her children, and the Lord very mercifully answered her prayers. My wife, when very young, had many thoughts about her soul. She felt she was a sinner, and that there must be a divine change in her heart; that she must be born again, or she…
The Life And Testimony Of Mrs. Charles Graham
Dear Brother Winters,—This is the most sorrowful letter I have ever written to you or any one else for publication. I lost my dearly beloved wife on the morning of March 12th, 1893, at twenty-five minutes past five, through pluero-pneumonia, after six days of great suffering. I fondly hoped the Lord had given her to me to smooth my steps to the place appointed for all living. She was a model minister’s wife, and one who adored the doctrines of God her Savior in her walk, like, and conversation. The morning she died I telegraphed to brother James Etheridge that she was dead and at our meeting it gave every one of them quite a shock. They all knew they had lost a kind and…
The Life And Ministry Of Charles Graham
We very deeply regret to announce the departure of our highly esteemed friend and brother Mr. Charles Graham, of New York, U.S.A. In the July number of the Earthen Vessel & Gospel Herald, 1892, we gave a portrait and sketch of deceased, from which it appears Mr. Graham was born Dec. 5, 1811, at Dunkeld, Perthshire, Scotland. In 1836 he came to London, where the Lord graciously revealed Himself to him and called him by His grace. He became a staunch believer in the doctrines of the Gospel and Strict Communion principles, from which he never swerved one iota. His own words are, "The Lord has kept me and borne with my manners in the wilderness these many years, and has not cast me off,…
The Life And Death Of Charles Graham
New York, America.—Dear Brother Winters,—I send you a synopsis of how the Lord has thinned us out since we met first at Grand-street, Williamsburgh, in April, 1889. On March 20th, 1890, the Lord called away from us W. Mott in the 81st year of his age. His obituary appeared in your columns at the time. The next the Lord called was Mr. John Axford on July 29th, 1891, in his 82nd year—His obituary likewise appeared in your columns with portrait. The next was Mrs. A. J. Hill, who died on February 6th, 1892, aged 49 years. Her obituary likewise appeared in your columns at the time. She was one who helped to form our little Church in June, 1891. The next the Lord called away…