• Robert Sears

    The Life And Ministry Of Robert Sears

    God said unto Moses, "I will make all My goodness pass before thee;'' and it passes before us in our own personal experience, and we record it here in praise of the sovereign grace and matchless love of our covenant God. I might have been left to perish in my sin, for,— “Why was I made to hear Thy voice, And enter while there's room; When thousands make a wretched choice, And rather starve than come? 'Twas the same love that spread the feast, That sweetly forced us in; Else we had still refused to taste, And perished in our sin." My Birth And Parentage I first saw the light of natural life on the 22nd of May, 1838, and it was my happy privilege…

  • Philip Dickerson

    The Life And Ministry Of Philip Dickerson

    It is to be hoped that the readers of the Earthen Vessel will not mistake the few memorial notices here recorded of the late Mr. Philip Dickerson for a biography of him. Personally we knew but little of Mr. Dickerson, not having heard his voice since he preached to an overcrowded house the funeral sermon of the late John Foreman, of blessed memory. Having, however, at hand, by the great kindness of Mr. Samuel George Ince, of Bishopsgate-street, all the original materials for a biography of Mr. Dickerson, it would be comparatively easy to write and publish his life in full, if time and means were at command. From a real love of all good men and a felt sense of the worth of their…

  • William Dexter

    The Life And Ministry Of William Knibb Dexter

    Dear Mr. Editor,—Circumstances are constantly transpiring around us testifying to the fact that whilst the spirit is immortal the body is mortal. Lately a time-honoured and faithful minister of Christ, a beloved brother in the Lord, has been called from these scenes of labour and conflict to higher service in the glory world. William Knibb Dexter, the youngest son of Benjamin Bull Dexter, a missionary in Jamaica, co-temporary with William Knibb, of anti-slavery notoriety. He was born on December 29th, 1840, five years before the death of Knibb, and was named after his distinguished relative, Knibb, being related to the family. The child grew, and at an early age began to display some force of character, having a will of his own, and showing strong…

  • John Gadsby

    The Life And Ministry Of John Gadsby

    It was the sun which shone on the 19th of November, in the year 1808, which first shone upon me, if, indeed, the sun were visible at all in Manchester on that day, a question exceedingly problematical, as my native town is not proverbial for sunshinings, especially on a November day. Like the rest of the human race, I was “shapen in iniquity and conceived in sin” (Ps. 51:5); or, as the margin reads, warmed in sin. I was brought up, nourished, sustained in sin—in the house of sin. I was the slave of sin, just as those born in Abraham's house were Abraham's slaves. (Gen. 14:14; 15:3.) Sin was my master. I ate and drank at his table, and obeyed his commands. I was…

  • Elizabeth Gill,  John Gill

    The Life And Death Of Elizabeth Gill

    I need not tell you what is the occasion of my reading these words to you at this time. This is done not so much on your account as on my own. You must permit me, this afternoon, to preach rather to myself and family than to you; though I hope what may be delivered may be of some service among you also. The apostle in this chapter exhorts the Thessalonians to a diligent discharge of several duties of religion, which became their character and profession; whereby they would be serviceable to one another, please God, and adorn the doctrine of Christ Jesus. He signifies, that they needed not to be wrote unto concerning brotherly love, because they were taught of God to love one…

  • James Applegate

    The Life And Ministry Of James Frederick Applegate

    James Frederick Applegate, whose portrait we have just looked upon is no more. Truly, "he walked with God," and now he is for ever with his Lord at home…Our dear brother was born at Westbury, near Trowbridge, on January 29th, 1822, of godly parents. He was one of eight children, and it was the joy of his heart to know that his six dear sisters and only brother were numbered with the redeemed of the Lord, and "followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises." Lovers of truth, those godly parents, like Abraham and Sarah, commanded "their children, and household after them," and our dear brother, with the rest, was taken from infancy to the house of God to hear that faithful…