The Life And Ministry Of William Harris
"William Harris, born at Culpho, near Grundisburgh, in 1807, was brought to a knowledge of the truth under the preaching of the late Samuel Collins, who, on one Sabbath, was addressing young men, and in his discourse said, "It may be there are some of you young men here who never thanked God for a mercy in your lives, but some of you may have even dared to curse Him to His face." And as Nathan said to David, "Thou art the man," so the Spirit spoke to William'a soul, and he was compelled to hide his face and weep. After that his mind was much exercised with regard to his own salvation, and being in deep trouble, he rose very early one morning, went…
The Life And Ministry Of Joseph Cannon
He was born at Offley, Herts., and, like all the rest of Adam's posterity, soon manifested that the heart is corrupt. At an early age he ran away from home, and got to London. He was standing under a bridge at 4 o'clock in the morning, when a dairyman, seeing him, asked him what he was doing there? He told him that he wanted work; and when asked what he could do, he replied, "Anything." So the dairyman gave him work, and he found a good master in him, and remained with him until he lost nearly all his cows by disease, when he told him that he must seek for a fresh place, but might stay until he could suit himself. But such was…
The Life And Testimony Of John Kershaw
During the first half of the present century most of the Churches in the north of England were highly favoured with good and gifted men of truth as we gather from a collection of autograph letters and published works before us; and fifty years ago most of the London and suburban Churches were honoured with pastors whose labours God greatly owned and blest and whose names are still fragrant to many lovers of the Gospel. About the same time one of the foremost pastors in Lancashire was John Kershaw, a man greatly esteemed by all truth- loving people who knew him. He was born of humble, but very godly parents a century ago at Lower Fold, Healey, in the parish of Rochdale and county of…
The Life And Death Of Richard Pratt
The last sermon he preached was at East Hoathley, on Nov. 18th, 1894, from John 16:8: "When he is come, he will reprove the world of sin," etc., the same text that he spoke from when he commenced to preach at Gethsemane Chapel, Crow-borough. He said he felt impressed that it would be his last sermon, and some of his hearers felt so too. He gradually became weaker in body, but the Lord in much mercy often blessed him in reading his Word at his own home when he could not get out, opening it up to him. Also when his daughter Eliza read to him, he told her what beauties he saw in the Scriptures, and said he sometimes felt like a bottle ready…
The Life And Legacy Of John Jones
The Christians whose sentiments are advocated in this magazine are at once the oldest and the youngest section of the denomination to which they belong. They are the oldest, for they are, in all essential respects, identical with the Particular Baptists of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. They are the youngest, for they did not assume their present distinct position until the popularity of the doctrinal views of Andrew Fuller (originally promulgated in 1782) and the spread of the practice of open communion (first introduced by Robert Hall about the year 1816) compelled them to make a stand for the faith and order of the Gospel and to withdraw from all ecclesiastical connection with those who had so widely departed from the tenets of their…
The Life And Death Of John Jones
The Death Of Mr. John Andrews Jones, Of Jireh Chapel, East Road, City Road While busily engaged in writing, a note came to hand which authorises us to announce that the patriarchal metropolitan Baptist minister—John Andrews Jones—has been removed from this world, where for more than eighty-eight years he was an inhabitant. The note referred to, says,— “260, Oxford street, July 15th, 1868. “Mr. C. W. Banks,—It is my painful duty to inform you of the death of Mr. J. A. Jones, which occured this morning at three o’clock. You will not be surprised, knowing he had been so long laid aside. Kindly insert some notice in the Vessel. I am, dear sir, yours truly, “A. Clark.” Thus the oldest head of a long-standing race…