• Charles Hancock

    The Death And Funeral Of Charles Hancock

    Our Lord and Master has been pleased to take to Himself our dearly beloved and faithful pastor, Mr. Charles Hancock, of Sturry. On Monday, December 18th he conducted the funeral service of Miss Charlotte Moat, and remarked at the graveside that we must all come to this. The next day he left home for Leicester, with his wife and daughter, for a fortnight’s change at the residence of his son; on Sunday, December 24th he went to hear Mr. Realff. During the following week he was taken very sadly, and it was thought advisable to heve medical advice, and he was ordered to bed at once. During his prostration he wrote a loving letter to the senior deacon, Mr. Morris, stating how keenly he felt…

  • Charles Hancock

    The Life And Ministry Of Charles Hancock

    Dear Brother Banks,—You kindly ask me for a sketch of my life, together with a brief history of the cause of God in Sturry. I confess I have studiously avoided publicity in my present sphere, feeling I am not like most of God's servants, but of late years have been more drawn to you as editor of the Earthen Vessel and to the great army in our beloved denomination that surrounds you. I was born of Christian parents into this world on January 28th, 1821, and in 1838 was born again into the kingdom of God, and I desire humbly to praise God, that, though going the broad and down- ward road, I was preserved from all outward sin, and death, for twice was I…

  • Adam Dalton

    The Life And Ministry Of Adam Dalton

    “Your fathers, where are they? And the prophets, do they live for ever?” Both No and Yes, says feeling and affection, struggling for the mastery. And while contemplating the attenuated frame of our old friend, we felt glad that his physical sufferings were so nearly ended, and the glory world so nearly reached. We must have talked hundreds of times together of "What must it be to be there?" Our brother now knows, while we for a while must still deal with the ever-increasing conflict of what is to be here. Brother Dalton was born at the village of Shorne, about midway between Gravesend and Rochester. The country districts at that time were far more than now under the domination of the squire and the…

  • Isaac Johnson

    An Appreciation For The Life And Testimony Of Isaac Charles Johnson

    “Seest thou a man diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings: he shall not stand before mean men.” “Prosperity,” as Bacon says, “is the blessing of the Old Testament, adversity of the New”; the truth of which, observation continually confirms. Few of the Lord's people are largely endowed with the good things of this life, and many, whose spirituality is eminent, experience a large measure of failure, poverty and sorrow in varied forms. This, however, thank God, is not invariably the case, as appears in the long and honourable career of the subject of this article. He began life as the son of poor parents and received only a most rudimentary education. When this was supposed to be completed he was sent to…

  • Isaac Johnson

    The Life And Ministry Of Isaac Charles Johnson

    On the 28th January, 1811, a weakly atom of humanity was ushered into this sin-covered world. He was the second born of his parents, and the only one out of several to struggle through the various stages of life, all the others dying in infancy. His mother often grieved over him, saying, "He will never make old bones." At the age of three years something happened to him that is not easy to describe. While lying in a little bed in a recess, he was the subject of a sort of visitation, such as is seen in pictures, where angels are hovering over a sleeping child, by which he was much frightened, and the manifestation of that fear alarmed his parents. Without attaching undue importance…

  • Josiah Morling,  Personal Confessions

    A Declaration Of Faith

    Declaration Of Faith Read By The Pastor Elect, Mr. Josiah Morling, High Wycombe, Buck. I believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament, in their entirety, are the real Word of God; that they are the full and perfect revelation of His mind, will, works, and ways; that holy men of God wrote them as they were moved by the Holy Ghost, and are the only infallible rule of faith and practice (Ps 119:128; Is 8:20; Jn 5:39; Acts 17:11; Rom 15:4; 2 Tim 3:15-17; 2 Pet 1:19-21.) I believe there is but one living and true God, who is a Spirit, infinite, eternal, independent, and immutable; that there are three co-equal and co-eternal Persons in the glorious God-head; Father, Word, and Holy…