• B. T. Dale

    The Life And Ministry Of B. T. Dale

    Dear Brother,—According to your request, I send you a few particulars of my life. I was born on March 3rd, 1853, and as the Scriptures affirm, and which I fully believe, born in sin, as my after-life goes to prove, although I thank God I was never left to enter into any open sin which the world could point to with the finger of scorn. Yet I can say with the Psalmist, "My sin or mine iniquities are great," and have more than once felt the truth of John Bradford's words when he saw a man walking up to the gallows, "There goes John Bradford but for the grace of God." Twice in the course of my boyhood have I been preserved from death, which…

  • William Tooke

    The Life And Ministry Of William Tooke

    My dear father was born on the 7th of March, 1823, in the parish of Hackney, being the youngest son of Samuel and Sarah Tooke, who, I believe, were members of the Church at Homerton-row for forty years, the former occupying the position of deacon of that Church for a long period. In his youth he sat under the ministry of the late Daniel Curtis, but as far as I know there did not appear to be a work of grace began until he was twenty-one years of age. To use his own words: "I was kept very strictly at home, and determined that when I was of age I would have my fill of the pleasures of this life.'' Accordingly, one Lord's-day morning he…

  • W. E. Thomsett

    The Life And Ministry Of W. E. Thomsett

    Mr. W. E. Thomsett was born at Dover, Jan. 15th, 1821. Some years afterwards he was removed in Providence near West Drayton, where he resided for awhile with his parents, and attended the Baptist cause meeting in Angel-lane, Hayes. He was baptised at the age of 18. As regards his call by grace, or to the ministry, he was often wont to tell us "that had not God began with him he would never have begun with God, as He had arranged and managed all without him having any hand in the work," so that in the heaviest trials he dare not reason but rather look up, saying, "Blessed Master, Thou knowest all things, that I love Thee, and all things do work together for…

  • Samuel Ponsford

    The Life And Ministry Of Samuel Ponsford

    The late Samuel Ponsford was born at Moretonhampstead, Devon, Oct. 23rd, 1801, of poor but respectable parents. He had only a faint remembrance of his father, being quite a child when he died. His mother was a godly woman, and a member of the little Baptist chapel at Moreton, where the late Mr. Garrett was pastor. The years of his youth, from 10 to 21, were spent in a farm-house, after which he went to Exeter, and was occupied as a market gardener. At the age of 23 he married. The influence of his mother's teaching made an impression upon his mind, which abode with him until he reached the age of 25, when it pleased God to reveal his sinnership to him, and by…

  • Joseph Casse

    The Life And Ministry Of Joseph Casse

    Our departed brother Casse, fell asleep in Jesus, August 23, 1897, in his 78th year.  “Immortal love doth now repay The transient sorrows of the way.” Our dear parent has joined the happy throng in singing the glorious anthem, ''Unto Him that washed us," &c. To the honour and glory of God this brief memoir is given to show forth His love and faithfulness. Very early in life the departed one was the subject of a work of grace, being solemnly led to ponder on sin and its consequences. Attending Sabbath-school, he was much encouraged by a godly teacher, who, in giving him a book, prayed it might he blest to his immortal spirit. After many exercises of mind, it pleased the Lord to speak…

  • Joseph Billing

    The Life And Ministry Of Joseph Billing

    Mr. Joseph Billing has gone from us, and is now at home with the Lord. Born in Bermondsey, he was the son of Mr. Thomas Billing who, for many years, was connected with the Printers’ Pension Society. The fear of God was planted in early life in his soul, and we have heard him tell with that pathos that moved our hearts with a strange feeling of Divine fervour, how, as an earnest Churchman, he paid a visit to Bath on business, and whilst on the coach, just before reaching the city, he lifted up his heart in prayer to be guided to comfortable apartments, and how he was directed to the house of some godly Baptists, who during his stay, "They took him unto…