The Life And Ministry Of Jabez Mowle
Jabez Mowle was known, loved, and revered, not only at Stoke Ash, and in all Churches of truth throughout Suffolk, but by many in London, for there is scarce a cause in the great Metropolis but has some members who hail from East Anglia, beside numerous others who are in the habit of visiting Suffolk and Norfolk at the annual gatherings of the Association. To all such, the noble form, the cheerful countenance: the heartiness with which he entered into the services and worship of God, the rich, melodious voice—deep-toned bass—with now and again the tear trickling down his furrowed cheek, as he poured forth the music of his soul in the service of praise—to all such we repeat, Jabez Mowle will be very familiar;…
The Life And Ministry Of J. Parnell
Dear Mr. Banks,—In answer to your kind request, let me say, I do not intend writing much about myself at present, as, if the Lord will, a much fuller account will be published in one of my future volumes, both as to my call by grace and also with respect to my call to the ministry. I was born on August 18th, in the year 1840, in the parish of Waterbeach, Cambridgeshire. When twelve months old, my parents removed into the parish of Stretham, in the same country, where I resided with them till turned twenty years of age. If ever there was a sinner saved by divine grace, and by divine grace alone, that poor sinner is the individual writer. As far back as…
The Life And Ministry Of Gideon Gore
Mr. Gideon Gore was born of godly parents in the neat little market town of Melksham, Wilts, situate about midway between Trowbrdige and Devizes. From a letter by his beloved sister Miss Gore, we learn that a work of grace was commenced in his soul when a youth, and was baptized by the late Mr. Pocock, in the month of September, 1865. On the family removing to Trowbridge, they soon became united to the Church at "Zion," where the late John Warburton was so many years pastor. Our deceased brother immediately identified himself with the Sunday-school, in which institution he became a most earnest worker, and was, for the last nine years co-superintendent with our brother-in-law Mr. W. Applegate, who feels the loss most keenly.…
The Life And Ministry Of George Webb
Dear Brother,—My late beloved brother, Mr. George Webb, was born near Victoria-park, London, of God-fearing parents in the year 1827, and was suddenly called home on October 17, 1894. He was the child of many prayers; he grew up strictly moral; when quite young attended chapel with his parents, went to Sunday-school, and, when about fifteen years of age, became a teacher. That with his morality, attendance at chapel, saying prayers, teaching in the school at the age of sixteen years, he had become a decided self-righteous young man, trusting to his moral virtue, so making a righteousness of the supposed good deeds he had done. As I had been mercifully taught the only way of salvation was by sovereign grace, through the obedience and…
The Funeral Sermon Of Daniel Curtis
On Monday, August 1st, the mortal remains of Mr. Curtis were deposited in their last earthly resting place—the grave. About 12 o'clock the remains were conveyed to the chapel, where, during his life, for many years he had proclaimed the gospel of salvation, and where a goodly number had assembled together. Mr. Newborn, of St. Luke’s, read various suitable portions of Scripture, and offered up a most affectionate and appropriate prayer; after which, Mr. Samuel Milner, of Shadwell, delivered an address, of which the following is the substance: “We are met on a very solemn occasion. Death at all time, and under all circumstances is a very solemn and awful matter. The body parts from the soul. It is a separation of the tenant from…
The Life And Ministry Of Daniel Curtis
Daniel Curtis was unknown to many united with the Church of Christ in the present day. In connection with Strict Communion Churches, in the early part of the present century, Mr. Daniel Curtis took an active and interesting part. Were it not for the Earthen Vessel & Gospel Herald, the name of Daniel Curtis, which was a household name in our denomination fifty years ago, would be unknown in the present day. As will be seen by his portrait, although taken home in the meridian of life, he had quite a puritanical appearance. Yet, withal, pleasing to look on, his cheerful countenance giving correct expression to a genial disposition and generous heart. His name was associated with most of the ministers of the Gospel, who,…