• Septimus Sears

    Pastoral Counsel

    My Dear People, to whom it has pleased the Lord to lead me to preach the Word of life, you have a very large place in my affections, and often are my thoughts wafted across sea and land to you collectively and individually, and, what is of far more importance, my desires for your souls' welfare are often wafted to the Eternal Throne. What a mercy is a mercy-seat, the blood-sprinkled meeting place of the saints, wherever they may be cast by the providence of God. If we get nearness to the throne of grace we cannot be far distant from each other. This nearness is a blessing I earnestly wish both for myself and all saints, especially for the saints meeting at Clifton Chapel.…

  • Septimus Sears

    The Life And Ministry Of Septimus Sears

    The life of every gracious man has in it something worthy of record; for, while all are brought to know the Lord (Jer. 31:34), and so possess "eternal life" (John 17:3), the time it may take and the means used to that end greatly vary. Some are called, like Josiah, very early to seek the Lord God of their father; while others, although more rarely, are convinced of sin and saved by grace, like the dying thief, at the eleventh hour. The prayers of some may receive as speedy an answer as Saul's did, who, in three days after his call, was manifested as a brother to Ananias (Acts 9:17); whereas others, like Cornelius, shall be unknown unto the disciples for years, until at length…

  • Henry Bulteel

    The Life And Ministry Of Henry Bulteel

    Mr. Bulteel (then curate of St. Ebb's parish in the city of Oxford) had for some years embraced the doctrines of grace, and preached them with much fervour of mind and strength of expression. This was a new sound at the learned university, and a thing almost unheard of, that a Fellow and tutor of one of the Colleges, for such he was when he first began to preach, should embrace so thoroughly, and above all proclaim so boldly, the obnoxious doctrines of the Calvinistic creed. His church was crowded with hearers, and among them were seen many of the university students, and now and then a master of arts, myself being one of them, some of whom became his attached and regular hearers. As…

  • Henry Bulteel

    Life And Death Of Henry Bulteel

    Henry Bellenden Bulteel (1800–1866), theological controversialist, son of Thomas Bulteel of Plymstock, Devonshire, was born at Bellevue, near Plymouth, in 1800, and matriculated at Brasenose College, Oxford, on 1 April 1818, when in his eighteenth year. He graduated B.A. in 1822, and took his M.A. in 1824, having been elected a fellow of Exeter College on 30 June in the previous year. He vacated his fellowship by marrying, on 6 Oct. 1829, Eleanor, sister of Alderman C. J. Sadler, pastrycook, of the High Street, Oxford. Bulteel became curate of St. Ebbe’s, Oxford, in 1826. The chief event of his life and the cause of a complete change in his ecclesiastical standing was ‘A Sermon on 1 Corinthians ii. 12, preached before the University of Oxford…

  • William Rushton

    The Life And Death Of William Rushton

    Mr. William Rushton, Jun. died February 6, 1838, triumphing in the glorious gospel of the blessed God. Mr. Rushton, of Liverpool, was author of ''Letters on Particular Redemption, addressed to a Baptist Minister."  For many years he conducted the evening service of Lime Street Chapel, Liverpool, the church under the pastoral care of the Rev. James Lister; and his labors his Master crowned with success. He was made through the power of the Holy Ghost the honoured instrument of building up God's elect in their most holy faith; and the glorious truths he preached to others, were his only consolation in his dying moments.  He had no isms in his creed, but took the scriptures as revealed by the Divine Spirit. He considered the gospel…