The Life And Ministry Of Eli Page
One more standard bearer has been removed from the walls of Zion, one that will be greatly missed, not only by the Church at Mayfield, over which he has been pastor for thirty years, but also by many Churches in Sussex and other counties where his savory testimony to experimental religion has given him a place in the affections of hundreds of the Lord's family. His Conversion For the first nineteen years of his life, Eli Page followed the course of this world. He has described his youthful days as being rough and wild, reveling in the most filthy conversation, but when he lost his father by death, as he stood by his grave the arrow of conviction entered his soul. He often told his…
The Life And Legacy Of John Bunyan McCure
McCure omits any autobiographical information prior to the age of thirteen. At this age he relates how his mother suffered from 'rheumatic gout' for a period of twelve years necessitating his leaving home and seeking employment. Very early in his religious experience he became preoccupied with the Calvinistic doctrine of election: 'My trouble was now, whether I was one of the Lord's chosen'. McCure was converted under Richard Luckin, a paedobaptist, at Woodbridge Chapel, Clerkenwell. Shortly after his conversion he became convinced of believer's baptism, and was immersed by the Rev John Luscombe at Bethel Chapel, City Road, London. McCure preached his first sermon on Sunday 1 Mar 1840 and was married the same year at the Islington Church. He became a full-time preacher among…
Elisha Coles On “God’s Sovereignty”
”Elisha Coles on “God’s Sovereignty” should also be mentioned as a book written in a most concise and interesting manner and well calculated to be helpful to young Christians. It was warmly recommended by Goodwin, Owen and Romaine. It was written by a plain Bible-reader engaged in business and but little versed in the niceties of the schools. Like Edward Polhill, of Burwash, the author of “The Mystical Union Betwixt Christ and Believers” and other works, Coles was not a preacher, but just a prayerful, Spirit-taught believer, who knew much of the ups and downs of business life.“
Charles Hemington: The Silver Wedding Of His Pastorate
Mr. Hemington has recently completed the twenty-fifth year of his pastorate at Devizes, and this, added to fifteen years as pastor of Corpus Christi Chapel, at Plymouth, and previous labours in various counties, makes a long ministerial life, which, through the Lord's blessing, has been very useful amongst the Churches. He was baptized when a young man, and united to a Gospel Church, the deacons of which soon came to the conclusion that the Lord designed him for the ministry; therefore one Lord's Day, when they had no minister, the senior deacon asked Mr. Hemington to read a chapter and make a few remarks upon it. This he was enabled to do, and spoke for about half-an-hour upon the prodigal son. Previous to this he…
The Life And Ministry Of John Kent
John Kent, though not a preacher of the Gospel, was one who had a rich and gracious experience of the power of the truth as it is in Jesus, and was able by his pen to write most gloriously of the grand distinguishing truths of God's electing love, Covenant favour, sovereign grace, the safety and security of God's chosen. He loved to set them forth in opposition to error, as picking up the lost, guilty, ruined sons of Adam from the lowest depths of the Fall, and placing them among the beloved sons and daughters of the Lord Almighty. The atoning blood and justifying obedience of Christ were themes on which he delighted to dwell. He is chiefly known amongst us now by his many…
The Life And Testimony Of John Kent
John Kent was born in the town of Bideford, Devonshire, December, 1766. His parents were amongst the poor of this world, yet "rich in faith." They had a numerous family, for whose support they labored hard yet their chief concern, their earnest prayer was, that their souls might be fed with "that bread which endureth unto everlasting life," that so they might become manifestively those whom "God had chosen to salvation, through sanctification of the Spirit, and belief of the truth;” and they lived to bless God for gracious answers to these supplications, four of their children having been early called to know the Lord, amongst whom was John, the youngest, author of "Gospel Hymns." At the age of 14, he was apprenticed to his…