• George Clark

    The Life And Ministry Of George Clark

    The Christian reader is here presented with a very short account, only a few memorandums, respecting a very poor, yet very rich disciple of Jesus; an humble unassuming follower of the Lamb: of one who, though illiterate in worldly learning and science, was yet will taught of God in things that are divine; and who, in a very remarkable way and manner, was sent and conducted by him (who directeth all the movements of his own ministers) in his own time, to the small town of Ivinghoe, in Buckinghamshire; where he was the honored instrument, in the Lord’s hand, of first introducing the preaching of the everlasting gospel; and where subsequently a good sized meeting house was erected for the Lord’s worship, and a church…

  • William Huntington

    The Life And Ministry Of William Huntington

    Few men have had to encounter such a storm of contempt, slander, enmity, and opposition as that eminent servant of God of whom these Recollections are given to the public by one who was well acquainted with him, and who, like most of those who sat and had profited under his ministry, entertains undiminished for him the warmest affection and deepest respect. The only doubt amongst those who despised and hated him was whether he were a fanatic or an impostor; and some very quietly and curtly settled the doubt to their own full satisfaction by pronouncing him to be both. This seems to have been the opinion of the late Lord Macaulay, who, in his "Essay upon Lord Clive," speaking of the mysterious horror…

  • Sarah Holden

    The Life And Testimony Of Sarah Holden

    Sarah Holden is now gone to possess that inheritance which she for many years longed for, and sighed after, but often heard she should never obtain. From the knowledge I have had of her for nearly thirty years, and conversation we have had together upon the work of God in his discrimination acts of grace, manifestatively made known in the heart and conscience by the Holy Ghost, I have the greatest confidence and delightful satisfaction that she is now enjoying the rest promised, with all those whom God the Spirit hath brought through much tribulation, and washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. From what I have head her say, when speaking of the work of God being made…

  • Thomas Davies

    The Life And Ministry Of Thomas Davies

    The name of Thomas Davies is not so well-known today, as in years past. This may be accounted for by his advanced age, and by his retiring disposition. Although he sought to serve his Master, he never intruded himself upon any Church, but was sought after, even to within a short time preceding his death. The causes of truth he served latterly were Old Brentford, Hornsey Rise, Holloway, &c., where his labors were much appreciated. A brief account of his life will, we believe, prove interesting to our readers. 

  • John Boorne

    The Life And Ministry Of John Boorne

    I was born on the 7th of October, 1838. My parents, who were godly people, sought the spiritual welfare of their children, training them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. I heard the truth at home and in the house of God, which gave me in early days a reverence for God's Name, His Word, and His ways. Like Timothy, from a child I knew the Holy Scriptures. I was thus kept from the grosser acts of sin, feeling within me an abhorrence of many evils in which other youths delighted. As an instance of God's preserving care over my life, when about eleven years of age, I was sent on an errand which took me by the River Ravensbourne: walking incautiously along…

  • William Brown

    The Life And Death Of William Brown

    Mr. W. Brown, the oldest of our Suffolk ministers, was called home on Saturday evening, June 9th, at the ripe age of 82, and was buried in the ground of the meeting-house on the following Saturday in the presence of a concourse of fellow-members, friends and others, from far and near, for he was greatly respected and valued. The funeral service was conducted by Mr. S. K. Bland and Mr. W. Large, of Sudbourne,—Mr. Harsant, of Peckham (formerly a member at Friston) engaging in prayer. Mr. Bland preached the funeral sermon on the following day—the quaint old six-sided chapel being packed to excess and overflowing. His text was Job 5:26, "Thou shalt come to thy grave at a full age, like as a shock of…